Who Even Is Mauga?

Maybe I missed it, but I still don’t know who the heck Mauga is and why people want him in the game so bad. Is he a character from another Blizzard franchise? Or someone in the comics?

The only characters I really want are Emily and Jetpack Cat.

I just laugh because I see people mention this Mauga thing everywhere! And I still don’t know who it is, or why he’s so high demand.

The dude from the Baptiste short story


That is not what I expected. I always pictured Mauga as some sort of rock monster or something.

He kinda just looks like Maui.


In addition to being in the Bap comic he was planned to be the next tank however when working on him the devs said the kit didn’t fit and thus we got Sigma.


how many situps?
how many pushups?
what kind of juice he drinks?


Huh. Does that mean Sigma was already made or was made quickly?

Thats a plus in my opinion ^^

He also is one of the Heavies from Talon with two miniguns, so could be the first long range tank that could kill PharMercy regularly. People are exited for a reason.


It would definitely be nice to have a tank who can deal with Phara better. But they might make him projectile like Orisa and Rammattra.

maybe he himself wont fit
guy is armored rein size without wearing armor!

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He’s Gibraltar’s older cousin.

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I think the comic / short story he is mainly in is called „what you left behind“. He was basically Baptiste‘s closest friend, before he left Talon. Since then Mauga has been more or less tasked with hunting down Baptiste and bringing him in. It is clear that Mauga still considers Baptiste a friend, but he won‘t let that stop him from capturing Baptiste.


Or is it gonna be a cliche where he decides to let Bap go because if their friendship?

Gibraltar is a great map. However maps have no family bonds.

I can’t remember exactly how the story went. I know Baptiste got away from Mauga and Nguyen, but I don’t think Mauga let him escape.

As for the Gibraltar reference, I‘m assuming that referrers to a character from Apex Legends.

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10 push ups and 10 sit ups for every “gg ez”

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Is that me?

Is that me stronger than me?


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What can we say except, “We want him!”

For his build and his streak of white

What can we say except, “We want him!”

Because his smile bears a nasty bite!


What can I say except “you’re welcome”?

Mauga was in the Baptiste short story like others here have mentioned here.

There’s a few voicelines between Baptiste and Sombra about Mauga trying to hunt him down. This was pre-OW2.

He was a character that got side lined for Sigma as the kit and his personality didn’t mesh.

During the Baptiste what you left behind in-game event Baptiste got sprays with a few of them having Mauga in them.

Plus a lot of people were hyped to have a Talon Heavy playable in some fashion.

I just watched the intro video on Mauga and I’m kinda shocked. This is almost a copy of Gibraltar from Alex Legends. Body build, voice, voice lines, abilities all strongly resemble Gibraltar.