Who do you want the next hero to be?

We’re getting a new support in April so we can expect an announcement sometime in March. Who do you want as the next hero? An established character (like MEKA squad, Sanjay, Maximillien, Dae-hyun, Lynx 17, Iggy etc) or do you think it’ll be a completely new hero?

I’m personally hoping for a male support as we currently don’t have that many.

Unfortunately no Mauga for a while :frowning: (unless we get support Mauga lol)



I don’t have a preference. I only hope their design is as fresh as Kiriko’s and offers value that would make support players like myself pick up someone often besides Kiriko. Because at the moment no other support really scratches the itch for me.

I’d rather not have to pick up Mercy as my other pick.

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You know… I just want a fun but balanced support.

I’m a simple person.

Okay… can we have a boomerang hero or a hero with a whip?


Perma flight tanky support would be fun


I think more of the D.Va’s team mech guys would be neat! Or another animal type.

the devs said the next two heroes (which are both supports) will have abilities we don’t have in the support role yet

no idea what it can be, we already have healing, damage boost, cleanse, invulnerability, speed boost etc


i still cant wrap my head around a mech hero being a support/dps. since their hitbox will be humongous they most likely would all have to be a tank

I can tell you right now what it will be and make a bet to say it will be a weaken ability similar to what Moira had in Beta.

i’d love either Overlord or Dae-hyun as a support seeing as they’re mechanics! Overlord even has a drone

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Gives vision and supply to allies?

Damage reduction shotgun support.

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I hope so. I loved the Moira damage reduction and still sad they never implemented it in her kit some way. It was refreshing to nerf overtuned heroes even if for a few seconds. The game desperately needs it against one shots/burst heavy heroes

Well according to the last time we heard from the devs on the Mech squad. They don’t have any plans to add anyone else from the squad.

Honestly I am just excited to have more choices, and I hope they are viable.

I liked the idea too. Maybe they will add an ability that allows the support to reduce incoming damage on a targeted ally for a duration. I think the only other thing we have like that currently is Nano.

A healer that heals with full automatic hit scan and does damage with an AOE projectile.

I could see a lot problems coming up from reducing a teammates damage. Should be nerfing a single target enemies damage by 30%.

I would love to have a male support! We don’t have many males so it would be very nice to see for once! Maybe a hot one like hanzo or reaper :laughing:


true they did say no MEKA squad in the works atm :frowning:

although technically Dae-hyun isn’t MEKA squad…