Who decided that tanks should be super-DPS?

And I don’t mean in terms of defense, because of course tanks should be defensive. That’s fine. But who decided they should all get DPS buffs from OW1 and be able to easily delete people on their own (with significantly lower aim requirement), and on top of that get damage ultimates that guarantee them even more kills? Tanks having some damage output is fine, but they shouldn’t be flat-out superior killing machines compared to DPS heroes. Are all the developers tank mains or something?

If you create a class of heroes which take 3+ people focusing them to kill, then that should come at the cost of doing far less damage than DPS heroes. Something has to give. What is the logic behind having 1 player on both teams get 30-40% responsibility for deciding how the match goes? You can push an objective if a DPS or support is down, but if a tank is down then you might as well sit in spawn. 4 people are at total mercy of what their 1 tank player feels like doing, and that is dumb.


Yeah, what we should have is characters with no abilities at all, just bullet sponges. The players won’t even have to use a mouse. They can be transparent, too, so they don’t block the view of the highly skilled dps.

How do you expect the already close range specialized tanks to make space if they can’t do damage?


What a dumb take. Tanks should have damage output but not better damage output than DPS heroes. You seriously can’t understand this? Or can you only comprehend 2 options of “0 damage” and “broken damage” with nothing in between? Come on.


Tanks are not superior in getting kills because most of them have a limited range of effectivenes, Orisa has fairly poor mobility, and Hammond’s damage per bullet with the spread also makes his mid range poor.

They do often get as much or more damage, but that’s because they get more oppurtunities to deal damage. The raw damage per second on most of them is poor for their effective range(compared to damage characters).


I already predicted it that dps mains will be coming to cry about tanks being strong.
Tanks are so strong that nobody wans to play them.


Two tanks were stronger than one tank. However, as a single unit for the role it makes sense they should be more powerful. My thought is one tank is worth 2 of another role.


Who decided that tanks should be raid bosses?

You all did when people demanded an end to double barrier.


“Something has to give”

The thing that you re describing, stranger, is called balance. We don’t talk about them much no more in these parts.

This is Blizzard country

Many dps mains at the time chose that fate. Despite warnings.


Being overpowered =/= being fun. People should have realized this back when Roadhog was completely broken in OW1.


Tanks won’t end up getting as many killing blows as the DPS, but you HAVE to respect their space now, no question. I think they did this to encourage more players to play Tank. It worked, but sadly Arcade is just a Tank fest now :frowning:


So you want the dps to be fun and OP. If that is not selfish idk what is.


In 5v5 why should 1 role get value of 2 roles? Who decided this makes sense?

Tank queue is longer than DPS queue in my region.

Conventional game design decided tanks should be “raid bosses”. And reality, actually since tanks are defined by taking a lot of damage and dealing a lot of damage.

1.) They are not raid bosses. Several Damage role characters can 1v1 most tanks. And before you say “not if the tank is being pocketed!” remember that, if a tank is being healed, the fight is now a 2 v 1.

2.) You can’t have a character who’s a giant target with a giant crit spot without giving them a lot of attack and defense. If they just have a lot of defense, then they’re literally just meat shields. They’re not actually playing the game, they’re exclusively there to get shot until they die so everyone else can play the game.

I recommend you learn basic game design, then you’ll understand why tanks are the way they are. Or watch any WW1 documentary until you get to the point where Tanks are being unveiled.

They don’t have a partner. They’re forced to make the space and soak up most of the damage. Why wouldn’t they have the most play making opportunities? Its a gift and a curse, really, because I have the entire team on my shoulders the whole match.


The way you fight tanks is not fighting them.
You kill the backline by pushing past the tank hero. Tanks arent good if they dont have sustain and support. They are just at the right place if you know how to play against them.

About this aswell. Tanks arent as much the deciding factor anymore. Its whether or not the other players listen to their callouts. If the tank says “im going to push backline” the dps should focus on hitting the backline. Just disregard the tank if it wont die. Run. They cant deal huge dmg from afar. Every hitscan dps beats other tanks except winston and Dva well

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I guess that’s one way to quickly tell everyone that you haven’t played OW2 yet.

Entire team on your shoulders? So you’re literally agreeing with me that 1 player has the majority of responsibility and that 1 player should be massively overpowered by design…in a multiplayer game. And you’re telling me to learn game design?

So they’re not the deciding factor, except that they are the deciding factor because it’s completely up to tanks whether an objective gets captured or not. Good one.


You know, its very easy to make comments like this. Its harder to disprove someone with actual evidence.

No. I’m agreeing to what I said. As a tank, you have the team on your shoulders. We can agree that this is a lot of responsibility, but I wouldn’t say the majority because everyone is responsible for the one true goal of the game: getting or defending the objective.

And we can argue as to whether or not tanks are overpowered. Personally, I don’t think they are at all, but I wasn’t speculating on that.

The fact that you’re going “What’s this?! Tanks can…Tank!? And deal a lot of damage!? Why?!” means yes, you should learn game design. Yes. Tanks have been operating like this for years in games. Common counter arguments for this is “Yeah, in MMORPGS!”, but Overwatch’s design is based on MMORPGS. That’s one of the reasons it frequently has Blizzard and World of Warcraft crossovers.

Of course the game inspired by MMORPGs is going to have tanks like an MMORPG. Well, I say “of course”, but here you are arguing about that.


Have you ever played an MMO? Tanks always do far less damage than DPS in MMORPG’s. If you want to use WoW as an example, tank specs typically do 40-50% less damage than DPS specs. This is because doing damage is the job of DPS players. That’s why they’re called DPS. Tank’s job is to TANK, i.e. defend, stay alive and draw attention. It’s not the tank’s job to top damage meters…but in OW2 matches tanks regularly top damage.

The best comp in open queue right now is 3-4 tanks + 2-3 supports, no DPS heroes required. Guess why? Because tanks straight up out-perform DPS heroes in this game with their damage output. If you think that’s “balanced” then please just be honest and admit your bias in favor of wanting the 1 tank player to dictate match outcomes.

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How much damage should they do?

For instance, Rein has 88 DPS. What should it be instead?

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His hammer did 75 damage per swing in OW1 and that was completely fine. In fact even in OW1 Rein was very strong offensively, his hammer did the job of creating space and Earthshatter was arguably the best team-wipe ult in the game (next to Graviton). The hammer did not need to be buffed to 85 damage per swing. Firestrike was given 2 charges so it’s damage should be lowered to 60-70. I’m okay with the charge buffs (better turn control and stop) because charge still carries a high risk.

All of Rein’s defensive buffs made perfect sense to make up for losing an offtank. But increasing tank damage output made no sense when their damage was already very strong in OW1.

Giving Winston a long range DPS ability was another dumb move.

Roadhog was balanced against Ana in OW1, but in OW2 with Kiriko cleansing nade Roadhog no longer has a hard counter and he no longer needs to worry about being out of position against Ana. He needs to lose his 1-shot hook combo, it makes no sense for Hog to keep that after all the defensive buffs. Hook should be a way to displace enemies into Hog’s team so that his team can help secure those kills.

Dva did not need the spread buff on the guns.

Ball the only tank who is perfect where he is. He gained defensive + knockback buffs, and that was enough. Thank goodness they didn’t buff his damage.

Sigma did not need a damage buff to accretion, his DPS was already very high in OW1.

The only reason Dva/Rein/Hog/Winston/Sigma are flying under the radar right now is because Zarya and Orisa are completely busted with their damage output.

Doomfist needs better defense and mobility, he is the only tank who is undertuned right now.

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