Who Counters Orisa?

After the hog nerfs who is the counter the Orisa now or is there one?

Orisa counters orisa so we are back to square one


What about Ramm and also junkerqueen?

I use Sigma against Orisa. Spinny staff is hard countered by rock ( Accretion ) and the ult is great for removing the supports/dps that hug close to her. Since she doesn’t have a shield anymore the normal left clicks can do serious poke damage to the mid line. Orisa’s tend to use the spinny staff to push into the enemy tank… Rock to the face ends that. Also, Doom and Junker Q bypass Spinny staff with rocket punch and gracie.

Ram is just good i wont say he counters her in any meaningful way and queen no shes counterd by orisa sigma is also in the same boat as ram good choise but not really a counter like orisa to hog

Thinking on out it zarya is a great choice if you can time a bubble to couter spear she cant get head shots so fortify is rely nothing i think beams go through spin but not sure on that one but i would say zarya is you best bet

And javelin shuts both those abilitys down hard

Zen discord and a bit of focus fire.

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Honestly, I think she is still way too over-tuned to be directly countered, especially considering cleanse is still a major part in keeping her alive, along side her short cooldowns between javelin spin and fortify. The decrease in overhealth when using fortify was kinda pointless imo.

After basically 1-tricking Orisa while playing ranked, the tanks that I’ve had the most problems with have been Zarya and D.va, but neither of them are strong enough to outlast Orisa, even though they make her job significantly more difficult. Widow is decently strong against her with Orisa’s massive head hitbox and Sym can be deadly at full charge, especially if you don’t have fortify. I can’t think of any supports that have personally caused me any trouble.

I think they need to increase her cooldowns. Javelin throw from 6 to 8 seconds and fortify from 12 to 14. She just survives for way too long and can chain her abilities together pretty much indefinitely.

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Who counters Orisa? Why the rest of her own team! They are the weakest link. The trick is ignoring Orisa and focusing them down first. Can be difficult for you and your teammates to keep focus when she’s constantly getting into everyone’s faces though, but through perseverance can a determined team prevail! Especially if you run your own Orisa!

Orisa is the most powerful hero in the game right now… she doesnt have a legit hard counter other than the dps playing mei/sym… most dps players are too dumb to know this too… so you just go orisa v orisa and press buttons… its dumb shes OP AF.

Zarya needs to be able to better counter orisa… thats how the balance should work… sigma is ok but still doesnt do anything unless your dps arent brain dead morons.

you cant just ignore orisa shes too deadly. and to you second point, if the only counter to a hero is mirror, the hero is over tuned

I like zarya.
Lots of charge cause orisa’s cant stop shooting & beam works through everything.
Once full charge just beam the ppl behind her

Nah, they just need to bring every other tank up to Orisa’s power level and everything will be just fine. What’s nice about her is how smooth and in control her kit feels during play (like a well-oiled machine, but maybe that’s the idea—the power fantasy of being a well-made robot?? :thinking:). She’s not clunky like the other tanks, which indicative of the underlying problems they have due to poor design. It’s almost like someone forgot to play test everyone but Orisa before pushing these patches live, which is understandable, given the current situation at Blizzard still doesn’t sound particularly good.

Dva. She can eat javelin and a lot of projectiles. You can keep her busy.

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