Who’s playing Cyberpunk 2077?

Nintendo Switch players would like to know your location.

No I think its possible to play both well.

I wouldn’t mind if my PC were that mobile though…

Have you ever heard of slaves?

This exchange took a weird turn all of sudden…

Do you bring up slavery often?

No, lol.

Maybe a butler would do that? Do you want a butler?

He’ll get the job done. Wherever you need your computer he will bring it.

Or a donkey.

I was making a joke that plenty of people didn’t like it, and that was ok :slight_smile:

Could I ask you (just from curiosity): why do games like Assasin’s creed get lots of hate, but a game like Horizon gets almost universal acclaim? At least to me, the games felt like echoes of each other.

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Honestly, you could ask, and I wouldn’t have a damn clue. They were both good games.

Even better, a donkey butler.

My only guess is that it’s like pop songs. People hate on them not because of the songs them self, but rather the fact that they are popular.

I call this “Fortnite Syndrome”.

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Donkey butler maid caretaker guardian motherly-figure?

I think you are right, more so, you put it into the words I couldn’t find.

Sounds like an prog rock synth pop group name.

Or a particularly weird spaceship from the culture.

Hey do you want to go to the DBMCGM-F concert with me?

You know, I don’t have anything on this weekend, so sure.

I’ll bring the nose plugs, the teargas at the start of “I sold my quarter cyber sister into slavery” can be a bit much.

You bring the pigs blood, it’s traditional.

HZD is good, too bad it released one week before Zelda:BOTW.

IDK, games running at 30fps are more a Sony thing… :man_shrugging:t2: :no_mouth: :zipper_mouth_face:.

Don’t worry, always have it on me.

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Nah. It’s cool. Personally, I prefer Xenoblade for my open world type of games, but I found HZD to be pretty good IMO. I like pretty games. :slight_smile:

This is the only place I can safely reach you.

I made a new thread. To chill. Come and start a conversation if you want.

heard about all the glitches and un-optimization. im just gonna wait about 3 years when all the dlc is out (if any) and for them to patch/optimize it. probably will be a lot cheaper too. i usually do this, i dont give into the hype i just wait for the game to drop down in price by a lot since by that time it will be at its fullest potential and cheaper