Who’s excited for Monday?!

I’m not, I’m a masters gm player not wonderful at all :slight_smile: very sad in fact

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So what I’m getting is that you’re losing with Mercy Lucio because it’s not enough healing (which I agree with, you need Lucio Ana or Lucio Moira, Mercy isn’t a main healer with 50 HPS) so basically…buff Mercy’s healing? :smiley:

That being said, I know your main. I’m a Mercy player in GM but I know that I often need to play literally ANY other healer or I’m soft throwing the game. Mercy is just too niche and doesn’t provide enough healing, especially for tanks.



Am I ready for a 60 hps buff? Been rdy since Nerfcy’s 11th and 12th nerf in a row including 50 hps and that absolutely terrible damage boost change that didn’t affect pocketing but made good reaction timing on when to amp pointless

Am I ready for the support that honestly is just a bad pick to re-enter comp? No but I suppose anything beats these Ana 1 tricks that somehow don’t understand how to play her


Same with symm, didn’t see any buffs though.

Glad since I can play all 4 heros again, and my friend will want to play more since he is a Mccree main. Just hope Echo isn’t banned again, but I doubt she will be.

Well for one thing, if you are in diamond or below you won’t have any heroes banned ever again starting monday.

Bans will only be in masters+ from now on. And they won’t even be there for a bit until it gets patched in, so there won’t be any bans for a while starting next patch.

Where was this stated?

Did you not see this post earlier today :o

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Oh wow, must’ve missed that!

Great change, but I think it should only exist in GM. Not even Masters players run meta that often it’s only really 4K where people try to run meta consistently. And then people only actually run the meta how it’s supposed to be played around 4300 and higher. But I do appreciate these changes.


Monday? Oh yeah, I’m excited. It’s May the Fourth Be With You.


it’s awesome since I doubt I’ll ever get to masters I won’t have to deal with hero bans ever again

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Look, man, after seeing a mercy abandon her team to rez a dude in the middle of the enemy for the 10th time in a single play session, it gets to ya.

It’s still kinda annoying when someone instalocks Mercy when we have no heroes that benefit from having a pocket. We have Mercy/Moira and we keep getting wiped by grav/blade, it’d sure be nice to have a defensive ultimate but we have a Mercy onetrick and Mercy doesn’t have enough healing to justify running a Lucio or Zen with her :thinking:

Doesn’t this mean the bans are gone completely or is that soon.

she’s basically become a very niche pick since everyone in the support roster can outclass her in every way

You need more healing - go moira / ana
you need defensive ult because you keep wiping - go lucio zen

There’s arguably no real need to have a mercy unless you’re running pharra / echo / ashe and even then you’d have to run her with ana / moira / bap because 50hps and lucio heals are not enough in a game with so much damage, you’ll basically be soft throwing.

she’s a very niche pick at the moment since the heal nerf

Yes, I’m so happy I’m bad at the game.

Yay more Mercy’s to bully as Winston

Yes, hero pools for ladder play are gone until the patch to include hero pools for games with a player average SR of 3500 SR and above, but for everyone below that threshold there are no more hero bans (for now).

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Not quite, I will just switch to Moira suck his life away because no one gets to monkey around with me for free. Or I just use Valk for its best function DPS DPS DPS! :wink:

Moira is also bully food for Winston, she tickles him basically.