Whining topic :upset:

Here we all can share how evil smurf player bully you over an online game :expressionless: Or how you always get throwers and leaver to your own game.

Lets keep this topic in subject and let the rest of sub forum be on subject, maybe 90% of useless whining topics will fade a way and we could talk about Competetive instead of whining all the time and every day.

Smurfing never really brought me any kind of joy. I prefer dumpstering people in my own rank (or getting dumpstered) because its an actual challenge instead of knowing that the loss is purely because I didn’t carry hard enough (or that another player was just too gud dem heavy).


that is the right answer, but remember we have some kids here. and we are lacking about a responsable company to deal with it. Hope microsoft creates a really competitive enviroment.

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How bad it feels when some kids own you at childrens video game and you can’t handle that as mature person and came to discussion forum as anonym and write about it :joy:

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I mean… I’m not claiming innocence. When I was hard stuck plat, I smurfed in silver for practice. And after I reached masters I worked for an account leveling gig for a couple months.

But I can’t say I really enjoyed smurfing more than I enjoyed high Diamond/low Masters ladder/scrim games.

where is your ID? you are anonym too.

it is a teambased game not individual skill matter.
6 bronze working together can own a master trying to carry a bronze team.
your logic is strange.
When Did I say a kid is owning me?
I mean kids tempts to have that kind of behaviour more than adults, throwing game because mercy is not healing me, throwing games becase X player did something i dislike.
I am starting to consider you a waste of time to argue about something. and I am considering you part of the problem.

If blizzard decides to hard ban, players getting 70 kills over a bronze,silver or gold games, overwatch would not be dead in middle,low ranks as it is dead in high ranks because high skill players killed their own games boosting and selling accounts. So a minority of high skill players destroyed their own Elo and blizzard did nothing about it and now a big amount of them are destryoing middle and low bracket; we are having someone like you who thinks that is fine.

Difference between us is that i don’t hurt my feeling over online videogame. Stay strong bro.

i dont think enough people realize they’re not encountering NEARLY as many smurfs as they think they are lol. most “smurfs” are, at most, one rank higher on main than they are on the acc they’re playing on. or it could be the same, and that person is just playing on an alt account. or that person IS a smurf but they’re off role-ing just to avoid high q times/meta in their rank, which is valid, sorry

YOU decide it’s a loss when you see a low bronze border w a cringey battletag, not that “smurf”

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The last time I smurfed before I quit playing competitive, I took an account from like 1680/90 to 27xx. Along the way I encountered two actual smurf players.

One who was equally skilled with me (and I lost that game) another who was probably almost as equally skilled but he only knew how to play Genji so I killed him pretty easily.

All the other players were approximately platinum players (at best) on alt accounts. You can tell because as you start beating them more and more in 1v1’s they get more and more frustrated and ego peek you harder or will start separating from their team to try and find you for a rematch. What they don’t realize is by that point (even if they kill me) their team is dead and they’ve lost the team fight/game.

Diamond+ players rarely ego peek. They time their engagements and psyche you out. It just feels like they’re ego peeking but really your focus is split between helping your team or fighting the player who’s putting the most pressure on your team.

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The only types of smurfs that bothers me the most is the a whole team stack with matching similar names and Mercy & hitscan duos. Solos are fine with me.