“While You Wait” is laughable

If LFG was designed to be used by more than a handful of people you mean.
The times when LFG was “booming” you often had the issue of looking through the list, clicking on a group and the spot is already taken. Unless you dont read the title and just join a group it took several attempts to join groups.

I liked LFG, some of my best games were from LFG, but that doesnt matter when its not made to be scaled past like 50 people or so using it at the same time.

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oh cool i actually didn’t know that!

What’s your point? You can opt out of WYW mode.

LFG didn’treally have matchmaking, for the record.


What are you on about? Because you got a short queue you assume it’s the same for all regions? It also depends on what time you’re playing. The DPS queue is very frequently >10 min even for the mainstream ranks.


You are absolutely right. Dps players in OWL were basically losing their job because the devs allowed tanks and supports to be a little too good at doing damage like DPS to the point where DPS wasn’t even needed.

We only have 2-2-2 so DPS players in OWL have a job. Which is one of my biggest issues with Role Q because we were given it because they couldn’t stop goats.

Sadly its actually not good to queue up for all roles at once. If you have the damage box checked it makes all the others wait just as long.

What is considered consistent for you? Because picking any 2 of anything doesn’t mean its consistent for me. I rather have the old system than a half systems that makes it seem like its consistent because I’m getting tired of losing games simply because somebody wants to play Reinhardt without the proper team backing it up or when its clearly not a good pick.

I don’t mind people picking off-meta characters but if its not working after awhile I’m going to have a problem with it.


Haven’t had a dps queue under 10 minutes in a long time and I’m mid-high plat dps.


Quality of matches. People who have que’d as Tank/Healer/DPS under the current system each are capable of playing their role at the same rank as me. So I’m no longer stuck on a team with say, 4 DPS mains, 2 Support mains and no one one who can play Tank at the rank that the match is formed at.

Role Based SR and 2-2-2 has provided me with much more consistent match quality. Is every match this way? No, of course not. But for me, the overall quality of my matches (win or lose) is much greater than with the previous system (in Ranked Mode).


All roles are around 3 minutes of wait time, which is the average wait time for most multiplayer team games right now.

I don’t see the issue you have with quickplay.

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I love a deathmatch mode to calm myself down after a 5Head (or 3Head, depending on the situation) game and just shoot anything that moves.

This would make 3 hours of game time actually 3 full hours of play, with mechanics/positioning/gamesense switches every 10-20 minutes.

I will admit that the burnout will be real though.

I’d say my nerves would be completely frayed by the time weekend arrives

I agree with your thoughts on this feature. I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t see this as anything but a simple bandaid fix.


You could make yourself useful and play a tank?

Sure is. I don’t know how anyone thinks this is some “exciting new addition” when all you do is go to training range and shoot at some stationary bots. Never once have I asked for role queue and I still want it gone from my QP. Comp can keep it, cause I don’t care about that mode. And again, should’ve done what HotS did and made an “unranked” mode to play by comp rules with no rank loses.


It impacts more than just tanks. If you play in groups you are also impacted.



Too bad most people didn’t believe us a few months ago when we predicted how bad Role Queue would be for the game.

Now more and more people realize what it’s costing us but unfortunately, it’s too late. Devs never backpedal, all we can hope for is for Role queue to get a serious improvement before OW2 is released.

It’s just not viable currently.


QPC is the only way to go, varied play styles, options to play the way you want or roll the dice with randoms, and short wait times for all.

Role lock should’ve been soft, limiting players to only 2 slots per role, but allowing players to swap between roles as needed. This whole separate SR stuff that was clearly lifted from the forums bottlenecks the crap out of matchmaking.


Wow, you need to start to make games, clearly you are smarter than blizzard, go and make your own games, where people can appreciate your talent.

It doesn’t impact tanks. Thanks are fine. It’s the DPS people who complain, and yet keep filling up the queue for themselves.

Those two are in no way equivalent. You may not like it, but its here to stay, and having “something to do” while waiting in queue cannot hurt.



“It’s something but it’s not what I wanted so it’s nothing.”