“While You Wait” is laughable

or, you know, because every game has queue times, but every other game with queue times usually have other things to do, WHILE YOU WAIT, as well

that’s great and all for you, but the game can be balanced better around heroes trying to fight for a spot in their role, and not fight someone in every role (you know, when 3/3 was a problem, because tanks just outshined dps entirely, and even supports like zenyatta were stronger than dps)

games adapt and move forward whether you like it or not, if it’s healthier for the game overall

(they’re pretty bad at balancing still, yea, sure, of course, but the concept is still much better overall)

playing competitively requires structure
if you don’t want structure, you don’t want to be competitive

therefore, you want arcade

so, no, you don’t want to play comp

you want to play for “funzies”

arcade and custom modes already have you covered

I can play tanks, too. There’s still a queue. “Learning a new role” doesn’t solve the problem. On that note, have a nice day. :bird:

There’s also something to be said (regarding new QP) that you can practice heroes in a stable environment with a balanced team. The only actual issue I have with it is that you have to re-queue every game. I sorta wish there was a “rematch” option, that if everyone stuck around, you would move to the next map with both lobby’s full. Sure a vast majority of people would leave, so maybe would result in being sent back to the menu anyway, but there was something nice about old QP, where you would face the same team over and over, going back and forth.

This line of reasoning always struck me as ironic (if that is the right word).
Isn’t the main selling point of Forced 2-2-2 is that you can play what you want (even though you could before)?
So telling people to not play what they want to kinda ruins the biggest point of Role Q.

You could play whatever you wanted before, yes, but with the chance of your pick throwing off having a balanced team. You can now queue into tank knowing you’ll have another tank and two supports backing you up. I feel like people quickly forget how terrible 4 dps, 1 tank, 1 support was for an uncoordinated team. Yeah maybe it worked 1 in 10 times, but those 9 complete stomps weren’t fun for anyone (speaking of Competitive mode specifically).

Yes, you can play what you want now, but if you want to play what you want then live with the queue times that come with it, this is far from the first game with long ranked play queue times, and it won’t be the last. That’s what balanced matchmaking is. TBH I’d rather take a few minutes longer queue time than horribly unbalanced matchmaking.

Still have that chance.

Uncoordinated is the key word here. Team comp won’t fix how coordinated you are.

Can you come up with any justification for the long Q times?

Well, now you get to do both :slightly_smiling_face:

Matchmaking is balanced? That’s news to me. :roll_eyes:

Sorry but as long as the fact remains that I used to play what I want without any queue time at all, I will not stop complaining about it. I feel like people like you are more likely to have to live with THAT than I am likely to just live with ridiculous queue times. But seriously. Go on with your bad self. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Except match making is balanced. Just because you get a smurf every once in a while doesn’t mean match making is broken. Smurfs usually rank up out of their rank incredibly quickly. First win I got on my smurf I gained 150 SR followed by 130 for the next game. Queue times aren’t ridiculous, it’s a hell of a lot better than a lot of games queue times, even comparing that game’s unranked play to overwatch’s ranked play

Complaining about this feature is a waste of time. It’s 100% optional.

Long Q times are justified because this is RANKED. Have you ever even seen other games queue times? this isnt the first game with long queue times. and uncoordinated is pretty common. you’re throwing 6 people who have never met eachother before in their lives and fully expect coordination? that’s the problem with your mindset there

It was ranked before, so are you saying it would have OK if there were long queue times then as well?

And what about QP?

no man… I do not agree with that part. You cant practise your aim with Widow for example… cause you are gonna leave your team with -1 dps. Assuming you are completly noob with her (to be honest I think that you cant be a middle player widow, u either a good widow or a bad widow). Thats why you are going to QP Classic to play and practise ur widow… since u need to survive alone too and dont care if u f** ur team or not.

My hero!
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The fix is right in front of developers . Queue times are a problem . If it ain’t a problem for u ,doesnot mean other people don’t have that problem .

Yeah kids like u who are living in parents basements and have full day to play are the only entitled kids to play ranked matches

Yes, 5 DPS was rare in comp. However 3 DPS was quite common, leaving solo heal or solo tank which is hugely unfair to that player and could be a serious issue if said single player was a off-tank/off-support main or one-trick.

4 DPS were infrequent but also definitely happened, which compounds the above problem.

Not really, if you were aware of the team composition as a whole.

If you have a solo tank, play around the tank. The solo tank is the heart of the team, and if you have only one, do not play a long range team, or a flanker-heavy team. Solo Rein/Orisa alongside double sniper and a Pharah will not do much because the tank will be the only body contesting/taking the point, and thus will be easily focused down regardless of how much they are being pocketed. But if you are following the tank with a Reaper, Mei, McCree, Soldier, etc… then there is enough focus alongside the tank that makes their job easier.

If you have a solo healer, you play heroes with more self-healing and disengage potential (Tracer, Sombra, Reaper, Mei, Soldier, etc), or if it’s an AoE healer like Moira and Baptiste, you play together to maximize healing output.

The issue with solo tank and solo healer was not the formation on itself, which is why I was never in favor of 222 being the be-all-end-all optimal composition. The issue was mismatched synergy and lack of teamwork in general. Role queue and role lock don’t fix those specific issues. If anything, it might even compound them, since most people believe they are now in a “balanced team comp”, when they are not.

Glad im not the only one who thinks this :joy:

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