While the Mercy players are sorting themselves out:

Where was I going with it? Drawing a line between how a hero is balance between its feel and viability. Obviously we want balance + fun to play, and I think that’s what Blizzard is going for, but the players commenting on her state often lean towards one side.

Then they don’t screw with it.

I know you’re just giving examples, but this is pretty baseless.

This is an assumption you cannot make. Overwatch has a history of heroes who everyone hated becoming background characters eventually (Hog, Dva, McCree, etc…)

Eventually they will get it, which is why I want them to continue making small changes within 2-3 months rather than waiting 6 months to do anything.

Now, as for the question? I’ve disliked how necessary rez is, so I’m not 100% keen on keeping it, but assuming we do…I’d do ONE of these changes:

  1. Ressurect cooldown increased to 40 seconds.
  2. Mercy starts regenerating health after 2 seconds instead of 1.

Those are the two things I’d try. Nerfing Rez CD makes more sense since it’s the main problem, but then again, having strengths is normal in Overwatch so I can’t be 100% sure.

They didn’t even tyr to sugarcoat their last set of nerfs when they said “we just gotta nerf her” there was no decree for the feel of a hero then and there isn’t any feel for how the hero plays now. Of course they can’t talk about how fun it is to pla ya hero because if they did they’d have to admit they are failures and this rework should be destroyed all together

THe Self Regen, yes because that was never a problem for survivability
The rez nerf is the only thing they can do, would it fix the problem, well I mean it means using that god awful ability less so it’d make her semi more fun I guess but would it balance I don’t know
Are blizzard smart enough to do something like that over a GA nerf, I doubt it.

And when you say eventually they’ll get it
They have ahd a whole year to try and get it and they’ve failed miserably, the community hates her, Mercy players hate playing her this is just a mess and needs to be destroyed

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Since it has nothing at all to do with the fact that she’s dominant in every level of play to the point where picking any other main healer causes your team to collectively sigh and ask you to pick Mercy instead. /s

I’d just like to be able to pick Ana without my team thinking I’m low key throwing. So far, after the changes, I feel like I can actually compete with a Mercy on my team and it’s not just a given that she’s going to heal more, die less, and also resurrect people.

I know that I wa making. Point to the OP about how Blizz certainly in’t listeing to the Mercy players, otherwise they’d have scrapped this rework and gotten to work on something new Monthes ago

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And she wasn’t that way prior to the rework.

Sure, some players did take advantage of a bad SR system (which has since been partially fixed) that rewarded cowering in the corner waiting for their team to die. But there were just as many, like some streamers who will not be named, who were so tunnel-visioned on their targets that they ignored the blue or yellow beam shooting out the targets’ rear-ends, and instead whined that she must have been “hiding” and in the case of those streamers got their fans riled up about a mythical “hide-and-rez” strategy. (Which ironically, the molasses-mechanics of the E-rez make it a “hide-to-rez” strategy)

But, yeah, let’s just keep nerfing that which isn’t the reason she became “dominant” instead of fixing the reason she did - which was the rework.

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If all heroes had stat allocation, she had more than most heroes. After all the previous nerfs, they still needed to lower it, and her HPS is how they did it.

Overwatch is a game of min-maxing, so what they did makes sense to me. Is it a surgical change? No, but that’s kinda the point; it’s a simple and basic nerf to her sheer value.

This comment is a bit too bias’d/subjective for me to argue with.

It was 3 seconds, so 2 would be inbetween. 3 is a bit too long obviously, so the answer would be either to change her another way, or only put it to 2 seconds.

You gotta laser-focus on what you feel needs to be changed. I don’t think they should nerf Mercy against for at least 1-2 months, but during that time, I think it’d make sense for discussion around her to revolve around rez’s cooldown.

They took way too long to nerf her original overpowered state, I agree. The problem isn’t that they’re not heading in the right direction, it’s that they took way too damn long to make necessary changes.

So that said, I still think they’ll get it right eventually…but I won’t tell people to not get mad at Blizzard’s apparent apathy around being proactive in the past.

You are right that other heroes need help way more. But guess what? They were in need of that help even before the terrible Mercy rework. I dont want to downplay any other heroes weaknesses and needs but the issue with Mercy is just horrible and the devs should for once listen to their community.


Seems like they’re working in it. I mean, how long has it been since Mei and Hanzo were throw picks?

We’re not sorting ourselves out. We’re waiting for Blizzard to sort themselves out and fix a problem that they caused that’s been the source of too much time and attention on their part. Res on 30 second cooldown is not working. Period. It’s not fun and it makes her a must pick. The quickest solution is to give her the 60 hps back, remove res entirely, and leave her alone while figuring out other characters. Then they can come back later to her.

Or they are appealing to common sense? I mean, how could you argue that the most picked hero on all levels of OW for over a year is balanced?

Even mercy mains want something done with how she currently is. Blizzard has all but admitted they’re not reverting her, so the next option is to nerf her until she’s balanced.

are you seriously jelly that there are currently more mercy topics than sombra topics on the forums? oO

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There will always be more Mercy topics than any other character until they finally fix their screw up with her kit.

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You realize Mercy was changed in the first place due to Non mercy players right? Mercy players didn’t ask for this hot mess rework.

To be fair if they had left Mercy alone they could’ve fixed Bastion 10 times over by now too :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, it’s just a shame that they didn’t actually address (appease) the very specific issue people had with Mercy: her rez.

Look through the hundreds of posts people have against her and there’s always one common issue that’s brought up time and time again: her rez.

Very rarely will you ever find posts saying how balanced her rez is and how OP her healing is.

That’s the problem with their attempt to “appease” people; it completely ignored all the feedback that’s been given.

I’m not mad at their decision either, I’m just disappointed.

The ability to rez at the beginning of a fight is too valueable and Mercy will always be neigh must pick levels with that ability, the coooldown would have to be a full minute to circumvent that

Rez has to be literally useless for it to be balanced on an E without gutting the entire rest of her kit.

This hero already isn’t a hero but a sidekick, want proof of this look at her toilet level on fire rates (3 times lower then the second lowest Winston.)) you know since they removed mass rez her only real “heck yeah I did that” and replaced it with an easy mode ultimate that officially can’t even outheal a dam Winston and an E that requires you to either cower behind a wall or be babysat by your teammates

So the rework failed on that front the hero feels not like a hero but an OP sidekick and even the nerfs you suggest would hurt this even more now she can’t be as bold with her movement (encouraging even more of that cowering playstyle.) or nerfing rez which while the problem might not even solve it.

So yes this rework was a failure and I and many others will continue to try and explain this to Blizzard in all their pride (as if seasoned Developers somehow aren’t hanging their heads in shame that they let something as blatantly OP as the first Valk get through to the PTR let alone leave it on live for 10 monthes)

No the next option should be admit they screwed up and Start working on 3.0 with the promise that it won’t be a rushed mess like 2.0 was.
They learned valueable lessons from 1.0 and 2.0 (1.0 taught us that a ms rez has to be a skilled play equal to a 6 man genji blade if it is to be possible in the game)
And 2.0laid bare for everyone to see that Tempo rez is OP AF

So they look at these lessons and build something from the ground up, it could be amazing if they were actually cautious with it unlike well… every rework since D’va

As I’ve explained a dozen times in this thread
Was responding to the OP of this post bad mouthing Mercy’s as if we’re the reason this hero has been op priority to be fixxed right now. Just because we’re the ones desperate for our hero to still be fun even though we’re confident that won’t be the case when she’s gutted enough for a tempo rez on E to be balanced dosen’t mean it’s our fault

This is what we call delusion. I honestly don’t know how you end up writing something like this.