While the Mercy players are sorting themselves out:

Please remember there are heroes that have been in a much worse state for quite a while now and they need help.



You do realise the only touching blizzard has been giving Mercy are nerfs to appease people who don’t play Mercy


Surprisingly enough, “appeasing” people by nerfing one of the most dominant heroes in the game is a sound strategy.

They can do another 20 nerfs for all I care, as long as what they end up with is balanced. I don’t get why people have this obsession with “number” of nerfs, as if every nerf to any hero is equivalent to any other.


The sheer number of nerfs in a row shows that Blizzard has no appropriate sense of scale for how much each of those nerfs were going to impact the hero.


rez on e is still here which means mercy will still be problematic.


Bastion and reaper

Wish we could get insight on the torb rework


Would you rather they overnerf her? Or do you live in some fantasy land where people can make precision balance changes that work perfectly in one shot?

These kinds of things take iteration, and the devs have overnerfed and overbuffed characters before (and then gone on record saying they wanted to make smaller adjustments over a longer period of time to avoid this problem).


The “obsession” as you call it comes from the fact that Mercy has been getting progressively less fun to play
Imagine if your ult was meant to heal but a winston just existing made your healing in your ULTIMATE moot and your E ability was reliant on the incompetance of your enemy, your team babysitting you or your ability to hide.

People hate this design and each nerf makes it less fun to play, and everyone is trying to throw out the number of nerfs and the fact that each nerf makes her less fun as evidence that the rework was a failure and needs either a rework or a revert


you see, the reason there are complaints is because those damned 13 nerfed havent done CRAP to mercy. they didnt touch rez and they left it on E so that is the big problem here. we are trying to tell blizzard that so they make her balanced but you are coming here and complaining about us that just want a BaLaNcEd mErCy BTW

and why the hell go through 20 or even freakin 50 nerfs when they can just do 2-3 proper nerfs? they are working, might as well be efficient at it so the can actually work on other heroes as well.


I would rather they have gone with the strategy of incremental changes the whole way through, but instead they chose to completely gut Mercy’s ultimate for the Valkyrie rework. It was the wrong decision. They need to admit that and fix the real problem, then continue to make incremental changes.

Making incremental changes now will never fix the problem. Mercy is too consistent. There is no room for her to carry, there is only room for her to throw… and the way things are looking, the act of throwing may soon be as simple as picking Mercy on the hero select screen.

With only 50 hp/sec, Mercy’s healing output is closer to Zenyatta’s than it is to other “main healers”. Not only is she dull and boring compared to what she was before her rework, she’s now blatantly underpowered to boot.


of course they’d need to test them out but 13??? it takes them 13 so called iterations to try and find a problem? this is just a joke and shows that there is something wrong there.

we can still work around 50 hps and tbh keep it for all i care, ill just try to get better to keep my team alive but the REZZZZZZ shouldn’t stay on E. it’s not earned for a strong ability.

If the problem with old rez was the “hide and rez” bit (and according to Blizzard it was), then no amount of incremental changes is going to fix that strategy short of completely changing the ult’s behavior (and no, a cast time isn’t going to magically make everything better). Was the E-rez + valk solution the correct one? I don’t know, but something had to be done, and in a big way.

This is utter nonsense, and you know it. Of all the nerfs to Mercy Blizzard have made since the rework, not one has put her anywhere under “must pick” status.

Yet if you look at it practically, Mercy at 60 HPS did 71% more healing than Zenyatta, 15% more healing than Moira, 47% more healing than Lucio, 67% more healing than Brigitte, and 43% more healing than Ana. So her healing output is going to put her closer to Moira than anyone else. Which is reasonable given Moira’s composition limitations.


50 hps just means someone has to play another healer

Oh No the horror.

Will it be our 1 tank or one of the 4 dps players who tilt because they don’t get enough healing?


hello my friend. i introduce to you the mercy megadump thread with around 100k posts there that suggest MASSIVE amounts of ideas on how to fix her but hmmm… wonder if anyone ever reads it?

are we… playing the same game? what happened to the almost 100% picked in ranked and OWL? (yes it decreased slightly and let me press on slightly here, with the addition to the nerfs but she, at least, IS/WAS a must-pick at some point so) if that’s not a must-pick then god knows what is.


In Masters+ games, Moira’s healing output was statistically similar to Mercy’s healing output. That is where I play. As a Mercy main, I could already get more work done with Moira than with Mercy in terms of healing per game. With the new nerf, there’s no longer a competition. Moira is strictly better than the game’s pure healer hero at healing.

Maybe this nerf will make Mercy balanced in Gold, where Ana and Moira more frequently miss their heals and teams spend more time spread out doing their own thing instead of grouping up and staying with their healers. Among average players, yes, Mercy does more healing by a wide margin.

But the game can’t be balanced around only the average player.

The only way to fix Mercy to balance her for all ranks is to make her kit’s output more variable. She needs a more linear skill curve instead of the asymptotic gains players get while learning her current kit. With Resurrect as an ultimate, Mercy’s value was highly variable depending on the player at the controls. It may not have been the perfect version of Mercy (because we haven’t seen that yet) but because her value with Resurrect as an ultimate was more dynamic, it was better than any iteration we have seen since the Valkyrie rework.

You read what I wrote completely backwards.

what you wrote wasnt clear then, do you mean that the nerfs are useless cuz she still remains a must-pick?

I wrote that the claim that Blizzard was going to nerf her to “troll pick” status was ridiculous because Blizzard hasn’t even managed to nerf her out of must pick status yet.

After a year and a half of this nonsense I am very, very tired of arguing the subject. The simple fact that Mercy was a garbage healer until rez got invulnerability, and that this instantly made her rez unstoppably powerful should speak to the unbalanceable razor’s edge that is the mass resurrect. I’ve seen many, many megathreads, and suggested many of these solutions myself in the past, but fact remains that there are some things that fundamentally can’t be balanced. Scatter arrow suffered from this problem, Bastion still suffers from this problem.

I see now, then my bad. At least you see the problem here.