Which role diff is the hardest to overcome?

Would you rather have the worse tank, dps or supports?

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I’ve actually grown somewhat used to having the worst DPS on my team so that would be my pick. Now having a bad tank is a bit trickier but you can often times make up for bad tank by double pocketing him and hoping your DPS will survive it’s not ideal but it’s doable. Now if both of your supports are bad or are just AFK or doing DPS only then it’s almost always a loss support is the team cohesion when they are picked off or doing badly your whole team will up faltering.


I prefer having strong DPS to be perfectly honest. It’s not a popular opinion, but if you just kill them, there is not much they can do about it. They just lose. It’s frustrating when your DPS suck and you are forced to play in weird ways to compensate for it.

If your supports refuse to heal, you can just try to do what you can and hope your DPS capitalize.

Obviously tank is the answer for most people, but I usually queue as Reinhardt. So, you know, it’s whatever. I have overcome PLENTY of better tanks despite what the forums would tell you.


If the entire role is bad, honestly it’s bad no matter which role it is. Which role will only dictate how you fail.


I guess it depends on what role you’re actively playing. As a support having a tank that takes permanent damage while you and your co support dump every ana nade + suzu into them 2 seconds into a fight feels miserable. You’re not allowed to have impact because all you do is m1 m1 m1 m1 + e until they’ve backed up an entire point while you got 1 fight.

Tank. You can’t really…do anything with no space to play in.

I’d much rather have the worse DPS because Tank and Support diffs affect space itself while DPS diffs only affect your effectiveness in space already taken.


You are still going to lose no matter which role is being diffed but if I have to pick one it will be support.

bad tank can be carried by good supports but good tank can’t carry a bad support, which is also why “tank diff” is a myth.


it’s far and away tank

i’ve won so many games with lobotomite dps players


Tank diff for sure. DPS diff can somewhat be covered by Supports or Tank. But not Tank. Tank down, nothing much we can do!

Btw I think am bout to be banned coz I have been almost constantly spammingf DPS Diff while carrying with my Zen and Brig. When that happens guess its bye bye :joy:


It is extremely difficult to compensate for a lacklustre Tank.


In 5v5 it’s obvious what the answer is.

Currently in qp it seems both teams will have one bad dps, kinda got used to it


Yes Its ALWAYS 1 baaaaaad DPS in each team. Sometimes both. I wonder how they match peeps together.


I would say tank, support, DPS in that order, but with an important caveat: it’s still easily possible for a bad DPS to screw over his team. Trust me. I’m an expert in being diff’d. DPS are far from irrelevant.

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Tank diff all day for the reasons Qrow and Shoegazer stated. I had a Numbani attack QP game where my team DPS diffed theirs massively, but our tank literally never stepped foot past the first choke until overtime and we had ONE actual teamfight which we won. Thankfully the cart moves so they actually moved with it, which wasn’t great that they didn’t push up but at least the were W’ing :laughing:

We easily won the game after that, but trying to get a capture point with NO tank presence is an uphill battle.

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Pretty much this, good dps can also carry easily in your average games but with bad supports everyone will struggle 100x more.


I’d rather have the worse supports on my team.

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This isnt even a question, any1 not saying tank is lying. 1 Tank is half the team if not more.


Share of influence on match according to my biased viewpoint (same as everyone’s is biased):

  • Tank: 40%
  • DPS: 12% each
  • Support: 18% each

It’s definitely tank, but tank diff isn’t always the tank’s fault. A lot of times, the DPS or supports won’t play their tank’s game so it appears to be a tank diff when in reality it’s a team diff.