Which mains dominate the fourms?

Taking a basic look at the OW Demographic poll results, it seems that the forums (reddit got included) so :man_shrugging:t2: here are the mains that document the forums in order I may have missed a character but i’m pretty sure I got all the big ones Link-Overwatch Demographics poll

So umm, realized them all being support mains is probably for good reason, and I’m too lazy to like divide the supports by the number of dps heroes or whatever, so yeah, they’re all supports, makes sense kinda, idk, results could be skewed, who knows what really is true.

  1. Lucio

Should check genji, he prob pretty low in mains though.
Doom is kinda popular like mid range they’re pretty loud though, same with dva
symmetra is somewhat close to brig, but I have yet to check hitscan, it just wouldn’t make sense for more symmetra mains then like soldier/McCree mains, i’l check again and update.

My conclusion is that somehow the survey’s didn’t make it to a lot of the dps reddits, but somehow made it to the support ones, low results on McCree and Genji, so yeah, take this with a grain of salt. No way there’s more doom and symmetra mains then genji or McCree mains.

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