Which heroes have the most event skins

I was curious about which heroes have the most event skins. So, I did a count. I’ve included the spoiler releases for this year’s Halloween event so far through those released on October 7th.

Here’s a list of how many event skins each hero has. The only hero to have a skin in every single event so far is McCree. McCree, Tracer, and Zarya are tied for the most total skins at 7 each. Zarya and Mei are tied with the most legendary skins at 6 each.

  • Ana - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • Bastion - 6 total, 3 legendary
  • Brigitte - 2 total, 1 legendary
  • D.Va - 4 total, 3 legendary
  • Doomfist - 3 total, 3 legendary
  • Genji - 4 total, 3 legendary
  • Hanzo - 4 total, 3 legendary
  • Junkrat - 5 total, 4 legendary
  • Lucio - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • McCree - 7 total, 5 legendary
  • Mei - 6 total, 6 legendary
  • Mercy - 6 total, 4 legendary
  • Moira - 3 total, 2 legendary
  • Orisa - 2 total, 2 legendary
  • Pharah - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • Reaper - 5 total, 4 legendary
  • Reinhardt - 4 total, 2 legendary
  • Roadhog - 5 total, 4 legendary
  • Soldier 76 - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • Sombra - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • Symmetra - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • Torbjorn - 6 total, 5 legendary
  • Tracer - 7 total, 5 legendary
  • Widowmaker - 5 total, 3 legendary
  • Winston - 4 total, 4 legendary
  • Wrecking Ball - 1 total, 1 legendary
  • Zarya - 7 total, 6 legendary
  • Zenyatta - 5 total, 4 legendary

I apologize if I miscounted any by accident.


They need to make it balanced and stop giving out so many skins to 1 character each year then have people complain the following year that they aren’t getting skins (Looking at you Tracer)


Just a note. This doesn’t include legendary skins given outside of events like Blackcat D.Va, Oni Genji, or the All-Star skins for example. I only included event skins.


It’s still very apparent even with the dlc skins that Blizz has shafted Rein and D.va in the skin department. That dry spell last year for them was super uncalled for.

They made up for it tho for D.va which was nice, and Rein does have a few things, but he still has a bit of catching up to do it seems


As far as my memory goes, Mei has the most cosmetics and McCree has legendary skins from each event.

These two need a good one year rest.

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Rein especially. He has the fewest event legendary skins of any release hero, so far. And at least D.Va got Officer D.Va and Blackcat D.Va. So, there’s that. But I would definitely love more D.Va skins and Orisa too.

Orisa only has 2 event skins so far. She’s got the least for the amount of time she’s been in the game, only Hammond and Brigitte have less.

Mei has the most emotes too which is vile


I guess I’m one of the few who does consider Oni Genji and Officer Dva event skins as they were part of the Heroes of the Storm in February 2017 thing. I get it they were added to the base game 2-3 months later, but my god, that was crazy. Anyone who was playing around that time would possibly agree.

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Poor Orisa :face_with_raised_eyebrow: she needs more love


I was playing back then. I’ve actually been around since the beginning. And I remember the big to-do about those skins at the time. I played many hours of Heroes of the Storm to get Officer D.Va. In fact, that’s the reason I installed HOTS.

I wouldn’t consider them event skins though. That was more of a HOTS event with Overwatch rewards. And it didn’t recur like the events listed on playoverwatch.com under the events section.

But to be more specific, I guess I’m referring to seasonal events.

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Genji has 4 event skins! You missed one.
LNY - Baihu (Legendary)
Archives - Blackwatch (Legendary)
Anniversary - Sentai (Legendary)
Summer Games - Nihon (Epic)

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Did you include like, the exclusive ones? Like Oni Genji, Police Officer D.Va, Pink Mercy, All Star Genji+Tracer, etc.?

I edited the post. Thanks for catching that.

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I’d love to see Orisa Minotaur/Centaur halloween skin
Whatever it ends up being as long as it’s bada$$

I didn’t include the exclusive ones that occurred outside of seasonal events like the ones you mentioned.

I got you.

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Thanks fam :kissing::+1:

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Annnnnnnd add another for McCree.

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McCree confirmed biggest wardrobe. Jeez. He needs to share some skins with he rest of the cast

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