Which hero works everywhere?

In whatever map, comp or situation which hero is never a bad choice to have on your team?

Reinhardt. Case closed. Next question?


Ana. She’s good at healing nearby, far away, and stopping the enemy healing.

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That seems like it also varies on competitive play and ladder.

Like on Ladder, it was almost safe to say Tracer could work in every composition as long as the player knew how to play Tracer.

Now, I have no clue. Really curious to see how this thread develops though.


Lucio. He can get pretty much anywhere he needs, and just because he can’t speed up his team as quickly as he used to, his team is still faster than the enemy team if they don’t have a Lucio.



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At mid ranks and lower, Reinhardt is the only tank that works on most maps with most comps. I hate him, more than any other hero in this game.

That being said, at the highest level of the game, this just isn’t true. He really suffers on maps with tons of Verticality, like HLC.

No such hero exists if people are actually truly objective.


You don’t have a Lucio and you only have a Zenyatta on your team. Now wut?

Honestly lucio, you cant go wrong with Lucio

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I still feel Soldier can work everywhere, I know goats has people rattled, but for most ranks, I still feel his is enough of a generalist.


On ladder, there are a few, such as Rein, Dva, Ana, Moira, Hanzo, Tracer, and Reaper (Low ELO in his case, he becomes pretty trash higher up). At pro level play though, I would say that there is not a single character who can be put into any situation, except for maybe Sombra, because she is a utility pick


I feel like the only hero i see in every map without much consideration for composition is DVA, but then again i only play Qp.
After that its mostly Widow or Genji, but those dont “work on every map/comp”, Dva can be useful in most comps, and in most maps.


Bastion is the greatest flex pick in overwatch, 100% fact.


Soldier. He’s THE all-around hero. He’s not the BEST pick for everything, but I can’t think of a situation where he wouldn’t work well.


Hanzo, D.va, zen, widow.

Literally none of them are good in every situation.

It doesn’t matter who the hero is, as long as it’s me playing them

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Pretty much. On KOTH maps he’s pretty much a must have. He has a good mix of offense and defense.
On regular maps he has…
On defense he’s got his Ult, peel, and stall potential.

On attack he has a powerful engagement Ult, displacement, and speed boost.

Zen. Wwwwwwwwwwwwwww