Physically, probably Zarya (though she could still definitely benchpress me, and I would not budge her)
Personality—I guess Zenyatta, with a not-insignifcant underpinning of Ana.
Physically, probably Zarya (though she could still definitely benchpress me, and I would not budge her)
Personality—I guess Zenyatta, with a not-insignifcant underpinning of Ana.
Physically I suppose would have to be Moira. Skinny, ginger, lanky-er than a bean stalk. The only difference is that I’m fairly certain I’m a dude. Personality wise I’d like to think I’m as suave and easy-going as McCree, but I know I’m not
Physically: Roadhog. I am on the chubby side. Actually, I am not as fat as Roadhog, I just have a big belly that is not supposed to be there.
Personality: Who looks and seems friendly but actually looking down on people?
Physically: Roadhog, and Half the people who didn’t say that are lying.
Personality: Moira.
Physically - Mei, but a male version.
Personality - Mercy or Mei.
Brigitte but scuffed not buff I guess
some cross between D.Va sombra and moira
Physically: Maybe a younger Roadhog, I’m only 25.
Mentally: Combination of Junkrat, Mei, and Reaper (mostly in my depressive state)
Sombra maybe?
Physically: Mei.
Personality: Widowmaker.
Physically: Bob
Personally: Brigitte
Interesting thread.
Physically: None. There is not any bespectacled, mid-40s, Chinese (East Asian) male who has no beard of 1.77m and 74kg of lean built.
Personality: Winston, without a doubt. He loves to read and is intelligent; able to see things into the future, is slightly socially awkward, polite, generous to his loved ones and is the “big brother” figure to many of the Overwatch characters. He is not gender-biased, not racist.
He has a temper, a “righteous fury” but is immediately apologetic after that.
If i were to type him, he would be an Enneagram Type 1w9, MBTI type INTJ.
Hmm. I don’t think I physically resemble anyone in the cast. Native American male and all that. I guess the closest thing would be a much less rugged Reyes (darker skin and hair)
Personality wise: A horrifying mix of Mercy and Symmetra. While I’m a pacifist in real life, and try my very best to be a nice person, I find myself internally raging at quite a few people. I think I’ve actually said “shameful” and walked away to quite a few people now that I think about it.
Should we be concerned?
I think we should…
Heals everyone and cares for all.
Still gets hated and bad talked down.
I resemble Hanzo/Mcree I guess (I have strong eyebrows lmao) but personality wise I’m a total Mercy/Orisa/Symmetra.
physically: Brigitte
personality: I’d love to say Mercy but it’s probably more like Moira. Maybe even a mix between those two.
Physically: Mei
Personality: Mercy
I got that D.Va bod.
Physically: McCree
Personality: Sombra
Physically: Idk, some combination of Mei and D.Va/Pharah?
Personality: Probably a mix between a lot of people… I’d say Orisa, and I guess maybe also a hint of Mercy, D.Va, Hammond & Brigitte, because we both like food and cats.