Which hero has had most changes

I’m think Brig or Sym for most?
For least I’m think Tracer and Xen?

Genuine question really.

what does this even mean?

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For what? Changes?


Sorry yea I will rephrase.
Which hero had most changes since release and which hero been changed the least.

More Genji skins needed
Less Tracer skins needed

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So sorry did not realize auto correct changed my title to make zero sense lol

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I’m guessing Brig?

Oh okay,

by the way, it’s Doomfist, appearing in almost every single patch since his launch with a new bug fix

Least is actually symmetra, since her release other than her reworks (and now her 3.0 buffs/nerfs) she basically never gets bug fixed unless its something that makes her unbareable to play against

(If you’re not counting bug fixes, no idea what it would be)

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If you really want to you can comb through here and count the number of changes for each hero. (that is more work than I’m willing to do)



I would be interested to read that
Thank you.

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For the most:

  • Sym (3 reworks)

For the least:

  • Tracer (4 minor changes in her entire lifetime)

Thanks. I thought it may be tracer as she seems very unchanged.

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A little bit Reaper :thinking::ghost::heart:

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Probably Brig with 38 to 40 changes, refer to my handy list of lifetime buffs and nerfs for her

Take note I am not able to update the topic for a year now, so a few small changes are missing on the list

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Two heroes who was reworked. That changes everything about them

Mercy and Symm

Most changed is Either Brig, Symmetra or Mercy.
Least changed is Tracer i think.

Oh awesome. Thank you.

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I think Lucio has changed the least, maybe right there with Zen and Tracer.

I like to compare him to the lungfish or the coelacanth. God just got him right the first time.