Which f tier heroes are doing the worse

He was definitely meta in season 2, with nano beyblade.

Torb’s in the worst spot.
I mostly just hate the double sniper meta. Your team has 2 snipers and a big shield. They have 2 snipers and a big shield. The other 3 people are there to spam the Rein shields down. The fight usually ends before you get “medium range”…unless its a brawl map.
Sombra’s hack is high risk, low reward atm. Increasing the hacked time would help. Mei needs time and close quarters to do work, so any sniper meta counters her. Reaper is effectively keeping this from becoming a deathball comp. Bastion has his niche…mostly in lower ranks.
Torb just doesn’t do enough for a team to be in a good spot. He’s short and can do damage, but his armor and turrets take too long against any of the common mobility options. And its tough to improve him at mid to top tier without making him totally OP at low tiers.

Torb by far, Sombra isn’t close behind though.

wym by reaper is effectively keeping this from becoming a deathball comp

Id give it to bastion. With snipers being meta, especially hanzo he just dies so fast. 1 charged normal arrow into spam arrows and bastion is dead before he can even swap to recon mode.

I suppose it’s more Junkrat than Reaper preventing a deathball comp meta. But if someone did bring out 3 tanks, Brig, and 2 healers, Reaper and junkrat would be one hell of a combo to chunk down all the HP before it can be healed. He still could use some TLC though.
Opinions on having Reaper take reduced damage from melee attacks? It’d definitely help his pick-rate vs Brig/Rein (though rein does have enough counters already.)

think back to triple tank and quad tank how actually viable was reaper

You got a point. Teams need to play around Reaper’s style to an extent. That coordination doesn’t happen in non-6 stacks

hes just a trash hero in general

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Torb is getting a rework

He really doesn’t. She has armor and her shield is too small to hit with sentry. I’m not exaggerating, he can’t hit her shield. It doesn’t die fast enough because of his massive spread.

Sombra is getting buffed/reworked soon they announced large changes.

Torbjorn isnt looking too good with all the shields and armor in the meta rn.

Junkrat actually is doing terrible in a meta where he should destroy (deathball).
his pickrate in higher tiers is almost zero with a winrate hovering around 50%, while his winrate in lower tiers is less than 50% and his pick rate comes up to a more acceptable level.

It’s probably because snipers are too dang prevalent at the moment. How many games have you had without a Hanzo or a Widow? Both counter Junk.

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Yeah a buff not a rework. A rework would take much longer.

And I play a lot of 4 of these heroes :sob: LUL (Mei, Sombra, Torb & a lot of Doomfist lately)

what are youa masochist

No just someone that likes to play the game on hard mode LOL, real reason I like their play style + I’m pretty good at them too boot.

Sombra definitely. Worst stats. And you can make torb and bastion amazing by working with a orisa or rein. They do a lot of damage sombra not so much consistency