Which do you prefer: 6V6, 222, 5V5

This is pretty obvious for me but many people here seems to confuse between 222v222 (roleQ) and 6v6 (no roleQ)

Take a stance again on which of these 3 you prefer?

  1. 6 VS 6 (without RoleQ)

  2. 6 VS 6 (with RoleQ)

  3. 5 VS 5 (OW2)

  4. for me



I like 5v5 because it’s the current option

  1. Most balanced mode and actually fun to play cos it’s not a counterswap the tank meta.


128 player battlefield mode
Halo1 had it on PC in 2004.
We can do it.


6v6 with RoleQue, far superior


6v6 no role queue. Fast queues, the most individual carry potential the game ever had, balanced matchmaking, and creative comps meant more fun. Weird games like 5 dps and a Lucio vs Rein and 5 supports were always fun.

Role Lock gave us more unwinnable games cause if one role was bad, nobody could do anything about it, you just take the L. It gave us long queues. And it doesn’t even make sense. People aren’t good at roles, they’re good at heroes.


2-2-2 is what overwatch needs to be. It’s the easiest way to balance the game and it’s the easiest way to have balanced games. The issue was 2 shields but blizzard literally removed the barrier on orisa which means they are more than capable of making 6v6 work. Blizzard could even make subroles for each player before que. Main tank or off tank, dps would be disruptor/flanker or regular damage heroes, and main healer and off healer. Basically 6 different roles each doing different things. with the current heroes we have in the game, we would obviously need a ton more heroes to fill those roles but the game would reach a balance perfection.


The game as a whole is gonna be just that soon

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My preference, from the most to the least enjoyable format, would be;

  1. 6v6 (RoleQ)
  2. 6v6 (OpenQ)
  3. 5v5 (OpenQ)
  4. 5v5 (RoleQ)

6v6 with no role queue before Brig was released was the best this game ever felt


6v6 with Role Queue is the best option, imo. Because you can still choose to play Open Queue if you want to.

It is 6v6 not being available that I have problem with.


5v5 by a long shot, it feels like how OW1 did at launch. Were it’s more about the individual character interactions and duo synergies. And not some clog in the cycling barrier / ult combo machine,

Whatever gets me the highest quality matches with the lowest queue times.

i agree, bring back OW1 and 6v6


There is no reason to not have all gamemmodes.

It will expand the playerbsse and be balanced eventually

Im really sick of restrictions and the game forcing us to play a certain way.

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6v6 - with support and off-support and tank and off-tank.
this would take the pressure off making every healer a heal bot and every tank a shield.
it would also allow you to transition existing heroes across roles without them having to fit into these roles.

id also make the game solo queue only, remove all comms and split the game into three modes, competitive short, competitive long and “practice”

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#3. I like the way the game plays now.

9 vs 9 RQ

2 tanks 4 dps 3 supps

6v6 anything was more fun.