Which characters would you say have player stereotypes?

I’d say a lot of mercy players definitely fit the cute girly stereotype. Not saying it’s a bad thing tho, just an observation.


overwatch is an irony

the game thought people would play “many” heroes. counter this and that and people would try to learn EVERY hero

what happned was people clinged to a certain hero and bias is the premise. people want to identify with a singular character. i dont think nothing is wrong with that but the developers were wrong in thinking people would not act this way

  • Mercy mains are either sugar and everything nice or pure spice, there’s no in-between.

  • Reinhardt mains are all Chads.

  • D.Va mains only play her for the Rule 34 content.

  • Moira mains live in the enemy back-line and eternally wonder why they have the most damage yet the rest of their team is all dead.

  • Genji mains are all anime dweebs.

  • Hanzo mains same as above except more of them are women or gay.

  • 76 mains all came from CoD and rage about Overwatch not being enough like it.

  • Tracer mains are the ultimate tryhards.

  • Ashe mains can’t DPS on their own so they need Bob to carry them.

  • Sombra mains just want to watch the world burn.

Aaaand my tea timer went off so back to the queues I go.


There is truth to this. I notice a lot of Ashe players who never touch any other hitscan. They build ult as fast as they can with dynamite to get Bob.

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As a D.Va main, I feel attacked. :smiling_face_with_tear: It’s not the main reason, but it’s a welcome bonus.

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Moira mains are the type of person that hits their TV when it’s not working properly, and will continue to hit it when it that does not work.

(it works maybe 1 in 10 times)

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  • Brig mains didn’t get the memo that GOATS is over
  • Lucio mains are only there for boops and reddit plays
  • Widow mains only care about frags
  • Torb, Sym, Sombra and WB mains are only there to annoy others
  • Junkrat mains forgot spamming M1 doesn’t work above silver

Almost every hero in Overwatch is a meme so it’s not that hard to find these. :smiley:


The only reason I’m not bashing the Mercy changes is because I see Moiras frantically hold M2 on Mercy while looking at the air for 10 seconds, having everyone die around them except of course the enemy Mercy because she’s getting regen. It’s so funny.

She’s my own main tank so the diss is meant with love <3

Entire list is for that matter.

Bob is best boi.

Ashe is a very beginner friendly hit-scan, she’s also flexible enough that there’s often not much reason to play another one even once you “git gud” as it were.

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Since it has been said yet, Baptiste mains are LEGITIMATETLY built different and Im not just memeing there usually the ones in voice chat leading the team and are literally just a 3rd dps who just so happens to be able to heal. They are the rarest of the rare next to I think echo mains. But if you get a baptiste main on your team it’ll be the biggest light show of a supports skills you will ever witness. (This last part goes for ana as well).

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For real. Bap one tricks are the scariest players you’ll ever encounter. They hard carry EVERY game.

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Doom mains like BDSM and being dominated, only possible explanation for why my fellow Doomers continue to torture ourselves playing the most nerfed character and one of the most easily counterable in the game :frowning:


Everyone ingame is toxic.

They need to make a cancer character to fit with the playerbase :crab:

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Walter white next hero? :thinking:

I feel attacked. :sob:

It’s okay.

At least we’re also clever af in maining probably the least problematic post release hero and can sit pretty in the knowledge that she ain’t at risk of ever seriously facing the wrath of the balance team :wink:

Genji/Tracer mains are definitely a stereotype. Or more accurately any “Mobility/Dive” main.

Twitch reaction, high speed, Elitists and overconfident in their abilities. If they get countered or eliminated they heavily criticize the method in which they were defeated or blame any other factor:
“You only won because of your Auto Aim!”
“You got lucky with your spam.”
“My support didn’t heal.”
“Yeah, you NEEDED to solo Ult me because you’re trash!”

They fall under other characters too but, in my experience, these playstyles are the most frequent to fall under this category.


Sombra players are bad people. The worst are Sombra players in quickplay, they just want to ruin everyones games.

ive played her but in one person whos ugly as hell

Idek what frags mean