Before a trash show starts keep in mind everyone has an opinion and the keyword is most.
For me the most annoying are Genji, Moira and sometimes Symmetra mains
Before a trash show starts keep in mind everyone has an opinion and the keyword is most.
For me the most annoying are Genji, Moira and sometimes Symmetra mains
Genji mains but because of Omni specifically.
Genji, Mercy, Torb…
Maybe bastion or Symm
Lol same and also the constant whining.
They need the nano for their epic 6k
Torb mains are the gigachad lol.
I’m just not a fan…
Errrr why are they annoying?
Never found a single moira main annoying, I’m more likely to find a toxic one cause I took Moira from them than them being annoying just click faster bruh
Ok I guess that is annoying when someone getting whiny because you took Moira from them and won’t give it to them LOL so nvm…
Definitely Moira, all they do is complain
Orisa mains for sure…
Stop being a toxic person making trash threads
I think we all know the answer to that…
Like Genji mains they want to power creep their hero instead on nerfing others down.
We all know we hate the “skill orb” and her beam that randomly decloacked a Sombra or solo ulting the enemy supports.
Oh but u said Mains, not the hero, so I thought you were talking about the people who play it
nvm then lol
By the way just want you to know that Moira cannot decloak a Sombra with RMB or Orb
Hmmmm… I would say Roadhog & Mercy since their mains usually never switch even when the team needs something completely else.
Mercy is useful mostly with heroes that nowadays don’t get a lot of play but even when they do, most mercy players only play her as a heal bot, not even using damage boost but rather acting like a worse Moira…
And when someone insta lock Hog, they tend to play him and only him, even if the enemies run a long range team and even if the team lack protection…
If we talk about personality in term of how they speak and act, Ana & Zarya from my experience tend to be the most toxic. A lot of complains about team members but no real positivity.
Ofcourse that’s just my experience, not every main of them is actually annoying.
Genji or Mercy in my experience.
Honourable mention to Dva.
Well in that case Moira mains still complain about the hero being bad but unlike Symm mains until the last couple weeks she was actually bad but Moira is decent Bap is just dumb.
God I can’t stand the play buff Moira threads.
It should be pls nerf Bap lol
I personally complain about her being made easier with the recent “regen health bar” on ultimate and -2 on orb CD instead of reverting HoT lol
Yes I’m still mad about it because regen healing bar benefits those who don’t manage their resource lol
they just used their whole ultimate which gives 140 HPS (and a little more for a few secs if you use up all ur orb) and then get half ur healing bar back too…
genji and doom for sure
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