Which character is badly designed?


That’s a very looooooooooooooong version of…

Nowdays? Are you suggesting brig was ever a well designed hero?

I’ll give you a hint… read the main post.

Doomfist , seriously how did they design this character ? a character that comes from across the map , jump at you , lifts off the ground , shoot you , then leaves , rinse and repeat . like seriously … HOW ? whoever designed that hero should be fired , thankfully they nerfed him … after a year of chaos but they went too far with it :joy: LOL , other character is DVA :slightly_smiling_face:

False because there is a solution to making her less niche without making her OP:

also false because of the above + the fact that it’s really the devs and the community being against objective balance being the core reason.

Same with hanzo and hog now too. Baps moon boot buff was the worst change they ever made to him. His weakness before was just lack of mobility but then they turned him into a bunny.

I added up all the heroes people said are bad design here. Officially according to the overwatch forums, the only well designed overwatch heroes are:

  • Dva
  • Winston
  • Lucio
  • Mei
  • Reaper
  • Soldier

I would say Doomfist is worse than ball and ball is worse than Tracer

It’s plain and simple:
If a hero consistently has a close to 60% winrate and ~0.5% pickrate for years at this point, then there is a severe core design problem with it.

I will believe that TP is fixable as soon as I see it actually happen :woman_shrugging:

>“I’ll only think it’s possible if devs do it”
>“Devs should do away with it because I think it’s impossible”

that’s just circular logic.

like devs don’t know everything. they’re fallible.
heck they be looking at OW2 rn going “omg who would’ve known that taking out cc, nerfing sustain and taking out off tanks which are a source of peeling would lead to flankers and specifically tracer wreaking havoc on the back line” despite so many people seeing this coming from the moment they announced what changes they were doing like 1~2yrs ago.

She is the biggest offender of bloated kits. I have said if you take tracer out of this game in any other game she would be viewed as a Mary Sue and op.

Lol. You think exo boots help against hitscan heroes?

If the devs can’t or won’t fix it, then - at least in a practical sense - it is unfixable.
Because no matter how good or bad your idea of a fix is, they are not going to let you try to fix it.

Hence I will believe it as soon as it happens and not a moment sooner :woman_shrugging:

I wonder if you also take this view when it comes to how you vote for governments :thinking:
e.g. “oh no climate change is impacting my cost of living and my risk to natural disasters which the government act on, guess it’s unfixable. time to continue voting for the same candidates because they can’t do anything about climate change so let’s not care about it”.


That’s why you run a rush comp with rein as main tank cause the idea is to stack together and run over your opponents

no ammo reload, a 750 damage ability on a short cool down, one shot that only requires average aim at best

probably the worst designed character in this game

I either must have missed the last time we were able to vote for devs or I am completely missing the connection here :sweat_smile:

So you are suggesting from your analogy that we need to change the dev team to get it fixed? Because the current dev team, as the other guy says, is doing diddly squat about it.


Sym 3.0. She’s a mess with no interesting gameplay loop, a product of cool ideas clumped together.