Where is my Overwatch Game Code? (SOLVED)

I bought the Overwatch GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION Game DVD. It came over in a sealed box, I installed the game, but when I go to play it says I don’t actually have the game.
I followed the instructions listed here: Blizzard Forums

It says I need to redeem a game code that is on the DVD case it came in. I checked the case and cannot find the code. I checked everything that came with the game and no code for the game itself, just a bunch of codes for the other blizzard games.
The DVD case looks just like the cover of the box itself with tracer on the front and “GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION” along the top. The back is just yellow with the overwatch and blizzard logo plus some disclosure text and the top and bottom of the envelop case. Nothing written inside. Where is the Overwatch Game code? Please help!

Update: Nevermind, apparently it isn’t on the DVD envelope like the link suggests, it’s on a piece of paper that fell behind my desks somehow. Thanks!

what paper i cant find one and i just opened my box

Hey there,

If this is a physical box copy of the game, it will either have a sticker or slip of paper inside the box. Depending on which version was purchased it should look something like this.

Sometimes vendors will also remove the codes from the boxes before putting them on the shelves and should provide it to you on the receipt or replace it into the box when selling the item. They usually do that to prevent folks from stealing the codes out of the box while they’re on the shelf.

If no code is found please refer to the vendor that sold the item. They are the point of contact for returns, exchanges, and similar for those box copies.

Hope the info helps. Cheers!