Where is moderation at?

Check the subjects forum profile

blizzard is downsizing, the times they moderate at have been changed, along with the amount of mods.

bro i’ve been banned for saying

“funny a55 post” on a meme post and for joking about things off topic with other people who were joking too, yet my post gets removed and i get banned…

meanwhile you (not saying you specifically, but a general term) had a post that said “remove all hardR’s from overwatch” that stayed up for days.

like i get it’s not just one person moderating things, but like you’d think that racist and homophobic posts being removed would take priority over harmless meme posts.


remember that guy that made the dairy queen post ? my man got like 100 replies and it was removed, yet we can have racist, homophobic posts up for days…i don’t know i just think that with so much negativity (including me) that goes on in the forums we should be able to appreciate a good meme post where everyone’s being funny with eachother.

Because they act like it. When have you actually seen anything useful come from the devs in the past 6 months on here? What about in game?

The internet doesn’t care that it’s the holidays. Plus, I’m pretty sure most tech companies even have people work on them. If they actually working, it wouldn’t be a problem to have a few days without anything. But it’s pretty clear there’s only one maybe two people actually working on the game now so the forums get ignored hard