Where is D.Va's MEKA stored? (fixed!)

Yes! Thanks for everyone’s feedback!


To speak for everyone here…



Manlyke Michael Chu. :muscle:

This is so awesome, thank you!

Omg YES! Thank you Michael Chu and everyone at Blizzard for fixing this. I was actually disappointed to see Tokki didn’t have it’s own garage. I don’t think an important detail like this should be left out. Thanks again. 8DeNyD.png

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So devs or the writers at least do listen to feedback. I actually like the way you put that in there. :slight_smile:

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They do more than people like to think around here…


I noticed there is no “access denied” message that appears at D.Va’s garage when you get close to it unlike with the others. Not sure if intentional or not since the meka isn’t in there. Oh well, I’m just glad they listened lol.

Too Confusing For New Players™

Awesome. Have to check it out.

I have never been so exited about a hole in a wall before, lol.

Anyone remembers what was on that place before?


Qutie sure it was just a blank wall

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What they fixed it?! Future mekas confirmed! We can now watch thier mechs come out! :sob:

Michael, is there any new info on removed flag icon?

I can confirm. It was just an empty wall before :slight_smile:

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We have all the info already, they were forced to remove it, it’s not coming back.
Not this year at least.

Your team is awesome! I can’t wait to see D.mons mech come out :blush::ok_hand:

i mean since then
its not like they were forced to remove it, they could not publish it … we could get it in some kind of update, like during OW group stage or during World Cup

omg, not in a YEAR, this would be terrible

They’re commited to adding flags as Summer Games items, and since they can’t add it now, the closest time would be next year…

that approach stinks to high heavens…
even in the heart of heaven angels can still smell it :wink:

they could add it to player icons now (in patch) and make it alvalible during the anniversary event

come on devs

(just to make it clear what we are talking about now)