No, apparently it is only CTF. And probably a bug from deathmatch. I don’t think there should be that many.
yea if this isn’t a permanent mode I’m done.
They have all the Lunar modes as separate cards. CTF, Blitz, and Bounty Hunter. That’s 3 cards of the 7 space, all for the Lunar modes. Why is there no Lunar modes sub card so it only takes 1, I don’t know. For some reason, they decided the two permanent cards–QPC and Mystery–no longer took priority. Very odd. Hopefully it will be adjusted shortly.
It will be fixed as soon as possible, we still don’t know 100% if this is a bug or if they are working on something on both of these game modes but they wouldn’t just remove them out of nowhere.
Maybe Total Mayhem broke out of its confines and is wrecking the servers.
Daaaaam you Sombra and your endless hacks.
do we really need 2 CTF modes. ffs
There is 100% reason to believe it is no longer permanent though. Mystery heroes has never been removed until today, so now there’s no reason to assume it will be up at any given day in the future. Some people like the stability, and will choose other sources of entertainment where they can actually play the game they want when they want.
Maybe that’s the case. I’m still more convinced that some kind of problem happened on their servers and this is nothing but a bug. Obviously we still don’t have any answers but I’m sure everything will be fixed…
I was sure I’d buy OW2 up until this week…
Yeah this week was tough. But maybe the future will start looking bright for Overwatch again
this snafu is yet another reason why there needs to be a roleless queue mode for QP side by side in the main game selection menu with the current 222 qp mode
The forums are generally populated with the people with problems with the game. When people are happily playing and enjoying it, they don’t bother to come here. Yoink out their favorite game mode though… and HALLOW EVERYONE!
Another example of how skewed a perspective you can get if you only get your perspective from here.
WFT & where is the quick op mode? The overwatch team goes blind after Jeff leaving? People love quick op mode!
Like, for real. All I play is mystery heros and qpc and they remove it without notice. It’s like they want OW to complete suck so people get OW2 or something. I’m pretty close to done with Blizzard products.
really, wtf blizz? or did activision do it?
Agree, nobody wants the now regular Queue Play
Have you ever even played qpc? There’s tons of people in there queue times are faster than anything else and I am a strictly qpc player and I know a lot of people that are as well just get with the times my guy
Yeah wtf happened. I’ve literally played nothing ells but classic since launch. What is this?!
where is mh???
I only play classic quick play in arcade to get the event rewards, i´m not a fan of role queue in casual games. Removing it, even if it´s only an unnecessary test, is awful. Let us have fun with the game, please. Options for everyone.