Where did you get your name from?

My first name is Richard.
My last name begins with the letter C.

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I was a young 20-something who thought he was cool because he smoked.

I still smoke, but I don’t think I’ve ever been cool.

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She’s cute…

I also coulda gone with a Symm one…

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Well……… About 2 years ago I got my first PC, and my friends wanted me to get into Overwatch, I was like meh, but I said ok it was on sale, didn’t expect to like it, so I picked a nickname from a WWE wrestler Sasha Banks, and I figured for a guy it would be a d-bag name. Turns out I really LOVED the game, so I kept playing and here we are now lol.

If you don’t put a name in when you create an account, they give you one.

I do ai dev work, so it was apt, so I kept it.

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What was your orginal name?

A guy said this during a game i ringed in.

My main is named Bismarck, after the best sea that there is. ^^

(Or achipel, or city in the US, or water brand, or ship, or chancellor.)

Whenever I see your name, I always think of that one Family Guy scene:

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I got mine from PlayStation Network back in ps3 times. My father came up with it and since then this is my main nickname

Well I’m short :smiley:

Edit: Has also been my nickname since highschool

Mine is super obvious because I lack creativity with naming in general.

You know, i was going to ask about that age old confusing correlation involving the name “Richard” But i figured i’d cut out the middle man and just go straight to asking nicely anyways.

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Sine is a trigonometric function that I am fond of.

I’m fond of a lot of functions though. I just love math really



Original wow when I was a kid, main tank in guild was Endz, dude was older and went out of his way to help everyone in his clan and made sure no persons mistakes or follies were thrown at them. Just an overall positive influence in my gaming career and wanted to keep the name alive.

I win.

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It’s my real name


go again






memed thanos super hard in our friend group and ended up making my btag thanos

kept it because it’s always good fun in games

My Mom hates me.