Where and who should I shot as reaper

am I suppose to go for headshots or chest?
On which heroes?
How the fu*k do I hit Lúcio and dva (pilot)?


Previously, irrelevant, because the spread is rng, the shot is rng, and the crit is rng

Now, for most heroes, aim for the neck area, except for the ones listed by our top 500 Reaper main right above my comment

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You can also do your own calculations for the optimal ranges.

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Nah don’t, bother. Reaper’s optimal range is essentially in everyone’s faces. Attempting to shoot anywhere away from that is never going to yield anything solid or reliable

I’m not a reaper main so take my advice with a grain of salt. My general rule of thumb is to breathe down their neck and just shoot them around their face area (or torso if they move around).

Most are good to shoot as long as you literally start shooting at them first and preferably from behind but there exceptions. Be wary of anyone that could potentially outheal or survive your damage (RH from memory?). Also be careful around characters with CC (Brig, McCree, etc) though if you’re good enough you can always bait it and wraith before cancelling it and spraying their face.

Lucios - if they run I leave them. Pilot D.Vas I just time they’re strafing.