Where’s Samito when you need him?

Look, the hypocritical ageist enters…


I agree but even blizz have been using it ala ptr nowadays, when was the last time they used it as an experiment like they did with 1 tank,moiras utility etc? Its been nerf this buff that hero and most of the changes in exp went to live so i cant blame people for thinking its for balance.

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The purpose of this card, as well as the Experimental card in general, has been made abundantly clear by the developer on numerous occasions. It’s heavily implied in the name.

It is 100% the fault of these people on here for getting mad about this.

How am I “hypocritical” in the least? Because I point out ageism exists against older people but also equally point out you cannot expect much civil behavior from 14 year-olds? Hardly hypocritical to point out facts that at their core are copasetic.

Anyhow, address the charges instead of attacking me next time, you might have an argument in mind. Samito the Man-Child King has a clear agenda in mind on how things should work, hardly objective on the question of balance. Even in the “debate” with SVB it obvious on his Mercy rant SVB was literally holding his finger to his mouth to keep from saying something… Sam is the last person we need balancing, much less this crew on this patch.

People can have his opinion on him but there’s no doubt samito would have silenced some of these stupid changes and would actually bring a few decent ones himself


I get that but when you have something like this

its clear that the purpose of these changes are about hero/game balancing.

Yes people are overreacting about the owl exp card and yes its a wreck but the line between the initial purpose of exp card has been blurred that people are wondering what its really about.

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Last balance change Samito suggested was that Mercy was broken and her hps needed a nerf.

Then within just 24 hrs she dropped to the 5th most played Support in GM.

So yeah, no. How about we don’t ask for Samito’s balance ideas :upside_down_face:


Samito is a genuine and unbiased person


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my dreams of ow becoming more like paladins.

Of course. OTOH, to hold him as some paragon of balance… :eyes:

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Samito would just nerf Brig, Moira and Symmetra.


You’re missing the point

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Then why waste time with something that is pointless especially when the balance is terrible right now?

“oh but it is supposed to be funny”, yeah, no. It is just excuse for when the pros are bad at banancing.


I mean, at least Samito seems like he tried when it came to Moira orb, even if I don’t think any of them should’ve gone through. These OWL patch notes are a joke.

I really don’t care if this was supposed to be for fun. This was legitimately the only major chance that pros and t500 players had to fix the game. If they blew it to make a meme, that’s still stupid. If they didn’t blow it and tried to be serious, they sure as hell didn’t try enough with how little effort seemed to have been putting people together for it.

Either way, everyone was looking forward to this panel as a potential way of fixing or at least attempting to fix Overwatch. Of course people are going to be angry when it seems barely an attempt was made.



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I’ve just seen that user spam every thread regarding this with basically a copy paste post Smfh

When the world needed Samito the most… he vanished


So would many others cuz the entire panel was a giant letdown. Being better than that isn’t an accomplishment. If anything the panel showed how little playing well translates to balancing well. Just because you are good at using something i.e. playing the game doesn’t mean you can be good at making or balancing it. Samito is good at the game(mostly) but he would not be good at balancing it. I’ve seen his suggestions, most are garbage.

[Laughts and sweats in Mercy] :sweat_smile: :cold_face:.

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Everyone on here has missed the point in their lack of understanding on this card.

This card will take up the least dev time out of any previous card. They don’t need to do any of the usual work that goes into balance changes.

How is hosting a community tournament pointless? Anyone is free to enter. If you don’t like it, it’ll have no impact on you.