When will Zarya be nerfed?

I didn’t know Zarya had auto lock on her beam and projectiles

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They’re a troll
Edit: not saying mercy doesn’t require skill, the context of the situation is that this person is saying that mercy requires more mechanical skill than genji.

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How is no aim when you literally have to aim it.

Like bro I was with you until you said that lol

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Because you have literally to just put the beam into enemy’s direction which requires no aiming. Widow requires aiming for example. Zarya NOT, she require SWIPING

report for trolling i guess, makes no sense for me

??? Tracking is a form of aim just like click timing(or flick shotting.)

She’s broken in 4v4… especially alongside a Roadhog.


Its you and your teams fault if you give her 100 energy to begin with, just like a bastion standing still and you still can’t find a way to cooperate and kill him as well. Zarya is balanced.

You don’t even understand how the dynamic works in ranked. If you don’t give her 100 energy, you probably won’t get the chance to kill her because she’ll be running around behind corners baiting your team into a bad position or she’ll be enabling her other tank to take your team out. Ask any GM player if they don’t shoot the bubble when her team is plowing into you. Of course they do.

Watch any game in masters and up. They all focus the bubble, the bubble isn’t just a way to gain charge, it protects her and makes her last longer in a fight. By destroying it shes now vulnerable and doesn’t push up as far getting kills.

Good Zayar players will always gain charge. Might as well give it to her and then hard focus her. I believe she is the tank with the least amount of health.

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Not only “good zarya” players will gain charge… nearly EVERY Zarya player easy gain charge.
Easiest hero for a 3 star difficulcy

Well, that’s a fact. Glad you took ss of my posts from months ago to even prove I’m right.
Mercy requires more skill than Genji and Zarya just because how overtuned they are and even if she has lock-on beams and dmg boost

No, just a 15m beam and 100dmg 1.5m radius projectiles which need you to look in general direction to melt everyone

wat? That’s… no. That’s not how it works. Genji isn’t overtuned.

Why do people keep saying this on every Zarya thread? It is the most idiotic response. Zaryas use their bubbles when you have to shoot them - on initiating an attack, in choke when in with the other heroes on their team, bubble Rein when he goes aggressive, bubble a retreating teammate when the other team wants to focus and kill them. All the way from bronze to GM Zarya’s are at 60%+ charge every single fight.

Did you think to tell GMs not to shoot the bubbles because they don’t seem to know that sagely bit of advice either.

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She’s broken in 6v6, in 1v1, in 3v3, everywhere doesn’t matter…
She needs Sym treatment for once sorry to say it


It’s the only argument they have. Zarya’s in high ranks know when to use friendly bubbles which are on a super low cooldown (8 seconds rly?) which let people escape by doing agressive stuff way too much. The downtime being too short, most heroes don’t have any ability to answer in this small window of opportunity. That’s why without breaking her bubbles, she just needs her dmg nerfed into oblivion, she will still be the most picked tank just because bubbles have big peeling by protecting, cleansing, enabling and stalling.

In all games up to Diamond, he is.

While I agree that the game is at it’s best balance state ever, it does not mean it’s even near perfect, and until both Zarya and Ana are brought down back to earth with the rest of us, it wont be.


Never shoot the enemy zarya, literally at the start of games when I see zarya I will say ignore zarya until she’s popped personal, then steal her lunch money