When will the state of the tank role be adressed?

I’m actually getting pretty frustrated.

Having an 800+ health tank per team is terrible to play as and play against. You simultaneously have too much impact and too little impact.

It’s literally like playing as a brick wall.

It’s boring to play, but your team needs the brick wall to stay protected, so you end up just getting shot at and lose.

And you can’t just go to open queue to play because tanks are all overtuned to compensate for being solo tanks, where the lower HP amounts don’t really do much.

The majority of the casual players and large streamers all say that tank is horrible to play.

At this point I just want some communication that the devs are TRYING to make the tank role more fun, like ANYTHING.

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Never, be quiet and pick orisa.

Also dont forget to purchase a cool new skin for 70$

When your team can have more than one tank.

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What are you proposing they do to tanks?

But what do we know? We are not the dev team so our thoughts do not count.

Make tanks more like duel-able power classes and less like high hp brick wall stat machines. For instance, reduce tank hp and nerf the ridiculously high self sustain (Orisa/Hog/Mauga/Ram Block), but to compensate reduce their hitbox sizes if possible and/or give them more skill based counter-play to CC. Spilo had a pretty good video about it on how to fix tanks for a 5v5 format.