When the number 1 hammond thinks nerfing sombra is bad you know it s really bad

Hilarious thread.

They are trying to fix the bolded problem. When he says Sombra needs “changes” he doesn’t mean “some buffs and nerfs here and there” he means the character needs to be fundamentally reworked.

They shouldn’t let Sombra’s ridiculously low-skill EMP continue to auto-win team fights in the mean time.

if emp won as much team fights as the forums would have you believe sombra’s win rate probably wouldnt be in the gutter

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All these statistics-lords on the forums…

The win rate of a hero is irrelevant, the statistics on Overbuff are misleading at best. Blizzard has consistently been buffing / nerfing characters that are not at the bottom/top win rates (respectively). Do you think that is because everyone at Blizzard is a complete idiot and the forum dwellers are the super-geniuses who can “read the numbers”?

I’m a doom main, and the only good thing about the nerfs was her hack ability, I don’t mind her ult

the funniest thing about this is that before all of this, sombra was considered for buffs (back when she was beginning to see play in contenders). nothing’s changed since then apart from very small QoL changes, she’s still been statistically one of the worst heroes in the game, yet somehow she’s now receiving nerfs? would love to know how that works

also i love how many people like to discredit evidence thats been given to us, it’s actually quite funny. can’t believe im hearing that win rate doesn’t matter lmao


I think the thing is, that you are clearly a very high IQ person who just can’t communicate with small-brain peanut IQ people like myself and the developers at Blizzard. This is why you can see the matrix and, simply by looking at Sombra’s win rate, you understand why Sombra is in need of buffs.

You understand why Sombra farming her ultimate with zero-risk is fine, and why once she gets that ultimate it’s fine for her to win a team fight with it where the enemy team cannot interact or defend in anyway other than hiding in spawn.

These things are clearly something only very high IQ statisticians like yourself can understand. People like myself, and the developers at Blizzard are just regular IQ people and cannot possibly comprehend the viewpoint of a mega-genius mathematician like yourself.

lemme put it this way;

the two big metas right about now are orisa/hog and bunker. sombra should counter bunker heavily (which we’d be able to see by looking at w i n r a t e s). her win rate is still bad. do you think a hero should be receiving nerfs even when they can’t perform in a meta that should be perfect for them? its weird that GM’s/T500s/streamers can cite overbuff and winrates with no pushback from anyone but the second someone on the forums does the same it’s an issue

and how else do you want her to build her ult? she has literally no other way to do so, she has literally once source of damage in case you didn’t know

in any case, while i don’t agree with the fact she’s being nerfed with no compensation (reminder that sombra heavily relies on her team to do anything. she can’t do much on her own), it’s not going to affect my play that much at all.

oh, and by the way, being passive aggressive makes your argument look weak and makes you look whiny. do better

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Well to be fair the majority of the community does not understand teamwork

2 possible things are likely explanations for that, imo

  1. He assumed Blizzard would do right and power shift and that his biased venting wouldn’t really have the impact it did

  2. Or he played against her on the PTR and came to realize he was mistaken and that she didn’t need nerfs and wasn’t OP, but rather his issue was with her design and what he really wanted and should have been asking for was a power shift.

Which one it is would probably need to be clarified by him. Maybe there is some third thing. Who knows? Those just seem like the most obvious candidates imo.

Why? Is that in her hero description or something.

Wrong. Sombra doesn’t counter bunker. If Sombra countered bunker you would see this thing called “Bunker is not meta”. I’ll let you in on a little secret; nothing counters bunker, that’s why it’s the meta.

If someone could just lock up a single DPS, and counter the entire team-comp, that team-comp wouldn’t be the meta.

I’m not being passive aggressive, I’m being regular aggressive and making a caricature of the ceaseless, months-long argument that Sombra needs buffs and not nerfs because of her low win-rate regardless of how completely uninteractive the hero is.

OWL win rates were also bad.

shields + enemies that heavily rely on abilities

sombra breaks shields with EMP and silences abilities. this is basic maths.

please see above

again, one good EMP dismantles the whole comp. i guess you wouldnt know that though

sad to say, but it’s not really getting you anywhere

if mains that have played her for hundreds of hours, streamers that main her, GMs, T500s, and even streamers that play heroes that are countered by her think these nerfs weren’t a good idea, maybe they weren’t a good idea

Again, as previously stated, regular people like myself and Blizzard devs do not understand math as easily as you do.

Sombra breaks shields + silences abilities = she counters bunker. It’s a simple enough equation, but we just don’t understand basic math like you, man. Perhaps you could clear up some other equations for me and all of the Blizzard employees:

Orisia meta = meta where sombra can’t turn off main tank’s shield i.e. not Reinhardt.

Sombra = no shield break against Orisa = not really good against Orisa at all

Hog = Hanzo = Widow = Ana = All in the meta = the only guaranteed kills on Sombra possible unless Sombra player has no hands.

Sombra = Genji = Tracer = Flankers = not really good against bunker comps at all outside of Sombra’s EMP.

Sombra = not even close to a counter to bunker meta.

Just because EMP counters 100% of everything != Sombra should thrive against bunker.

Stat doesnt matter when it goes against your wrong perception :slight_smile:

She doesn’t do that though??? You’re literally still able to shoot, walk and jump. That does not sound like you’re not able to play your character anymore.

Shooting, moving and jumping have never been the only things required to play the game. This isn’t CS.

Five seconds. You’re not able to use abilities for literally only five seconds now. Rein shatters you and you’re unable to move for 2.5 seconds. Ana’s sleep dart last six and you are quite literally unable to move unless woken up.

How only pressing WASD, M1 and Space for six seconds is considered not being able to play your hero is beyond me.