When the number 1 hammond thinks nerfing sombra is bad you know it s really bad


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are you dumb? yeatle is not sarcastic at all he even put sombra low winrate on gm as an argument against those nerf
he hates her but he doesnt think she deserved to be nerfed like this with out any buff to compensate

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As a Hammond and Doom main i also think that nerfing her is bad. The only thing i really want a nerf on is the CC on Meis primary what is worse in every aspect than Sombras hack and EMP.


EMP is just now feels so sluggish to pull off.

Seeing how much Mei is getting played in OWL it wouldnā€™t surprise me if a nerfs on the way.

Down with the Ice Witch! :snowman_with_snow:

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If that persons icon is any indication of what he plays then I can totally see where heā€™s coming fromā€¦sombra against a Hammond is pretty annoyingā€¦mei is pretty much guaranteed death

At least you can still play against a Sombra as Wrecking Ball. All be it a little defensively and not as aggro.

Against a Mei you just get slowed down, forced into ball, walled from escape as she devours your hamster soul from prying eyes.

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When sombra starts creeping up in the meta this game becomes incredibly annoying. OP or not, people wanted nerfs because nobody wants her to be meta. People have stated again and again they hate losing control of their hero. Hack is a cheap trick. When we die we want to feel like we got outplayed not ā€œoh, well I got right clicked by sombra so now I canā€™t do anything but sit here and die.ā€ Sheā€™s just anti fun and like Yeatle says, she needs changes. CC is necessary but itā€™s still op right now. CC needs to be nerfed across the board and dive needs to be brought back up to a more equal playing field to more stationary or cc comps.

Itā€™s difficult to think of what sombra needs exactly but imo nerf her cc or change the way hack works and buff her in other areas. If sombra is less obnoxious to play against, people will be more accepting her coming into a more viable position.


No I donā€™t know cuz it is completely subjective and opinion based.
if you want to be taken seriously, come back with an actual argument.

They were so close to greatness 18 months ago, itā€™s a shame.

When Sombra got her major rework. That was nearly job done. She was no longer an EMP bot, her spread was tightened, she was in a healthier spot than sheā€™d ever been before.

Sure, there were a couple of small problems, like the Lucio aura debacle, but they werenā€™t pressing matters for balancing Sombra specifically. The only major problem was that Hack speed had been overbuffed, from 0.8 to 0.65 seconds.

If Blizzard had been logical, they have just moved Hack speed to 0.7 or 0.75. A happy middle ground between being too fast for Tanks to react, and too slow for Sombra to get anything done. But nooooo, Blizz werenā€™t sensible, were they? They instead left Hack at 0.65 seconds (where it still remains) and just made it a buggy mess for 2 months.

And no sooner had they fixed that, they then made the change thatā€™s led to her becoming OP in pro play, without improving her on ladder. The change to infinite Stealth.

There was zero need to change Stealth. It was fine. Even as far back as when Sombra had 1.0 second Hack time and she was massively underpowered, Stealth was still an ability that didnā€™t need touching.

And infinite Stealth does not help on ladder. Itā€™s a lot less coordinated than pro play (especially now GMs canā€™t 6 Stack), so the additional information you can gain in infini-Stealth simply isnā€™t capitalised on. In pro play however, even as far down as Open Division, it is. The consistent scrim time means a higher level of coordination, and a coordinated team is one that can synergise with a Sombra the best. Especially whilst GOATS was playable.

And thatā€™s why Sombra became so strong in pro play. Infinite Stealth. That strength has led to nerfs, but those nerfs only make her weaker on ladder, the reason sheā€™s meta in pro play remains untouched.

TL;DR - In 18 months, weā€™ve gone from Sombra being almost balanced in both, to massively underpowered on ladder, and massively overpowered in pro play. And itā€™s all because of an inability to nerf Hack speed, and the unneeded Stealth change that followed soon after.

Btw, dont know if you heard but it got nerfed by 2 seconds in tbe sigma patch.

Sombra is getting brig treatment. Sometime dev team are just idiots

Not that itā€™s overpowered, but itā€™s perfectly reasonable for people to not want a character to stop them from playing theirs by simply pressing the right mouse button.

Itā€™s just not a fun game mechanic.

Huh, what do you want, Sombra can dominate the whole enemy team alone and oneshot heroes across the map!

ā€¦oh, sry wrong thread

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the funny part is they nerfed her just for owl stage 4 because some pro pro predicted that sombra will dominate the meta and guess what? in 222 sombra is far to dominate the meta she is the 5th most picked dps but they wont revert her
with 4 nerfs she will just disapear from owl we will loose some dversity but at least at this moment we allcan say sombra is bad weak and suck every where she will also have a negative winrate with those 4 nerf in gm since in gm she barely has 50%winrate

nerfinfg the weakest heroes because 15dudes said she will dominate owl and it was wrong

I would honestly asking for suggestions against a half decent Sombra
Not saying she "need"nerf, just saying Im happy with that.

Id say nerfs are also changes. So what she need is just a buff

Way to only take the part that interests you and ignore the rest.

Of course she needs changes. Like making hack a skillshot.

Ye I know. But since I donā€™t play in ptr I still donā€™t know if her nerf have somekind of consequence or not :thinking:

The slightly shorter hack time might be justified if they had fiven her a damage increase.

It will. Thatā€™s from 8 seconds to 10. Dealing 90 dps a sec to a barrier is much more reasonable than the 112 needed before.

Thatā€™s my thought process. I think her gun could deal quite a bit more damage without anything awful happening.