When sym and torb get nerfed before than doom and widow

yea. jeff its clearly bronce player, and he says he is plat. dont believe him

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Honestly I donā€™t care. She is very annoying and there is no reason to go any other DPS now that this game has become shieldwatch.

did you feel the same about widow + hanzo in double sniper meta? did you feel the same about dive heroes in dive meta?

also isnā€™t mei and df also popular picks in this meta (more popular than sym)?

Honestly no. At least Widow and Hanzo need to aim and Widow basically stands still most of the time.

I found dive fine though. Mei has always been annoying and Doomfist is a high skill hero so Iā€™m cool with him.

Like I am not the biggest DPS player but I can pick Sym now and carry games if I have a slightly decent team because she is that easy.

ok so youā€™re fine with nerfing heroes you hate. cool. glad we got that out.

sym doesnā€™t carry in double shield meta, double shield meta carries sym. yeah you can literally w+m1 and not know how to use tp nor turrets in double shield meta and thatā€™s exactly my point. thatā€™s how much double shield meta carries sym. normally sym would be going through many loops for charge and picks via tp, turrets, etc. (her skill expression outside of pew pew), but double shield meta has barriers everywhere for her to just w+m1 safely. thatā€™s not sym being OP, thatā€™s her being enabled hard. which is all the more reason why sym shouldnā€™t be getting nerfed.


Itā€™s the same thing. It enables her to do so. Same with Bastion. I think her damage nerf is justified though. Her beam charges with shields too and it melts down everything.

carrying = being carried? uuuuh can I quote you on that? like are you going to say an afk on a team that won is carrying? and bastionā€™s not in a good place balance-wise btw.

literally the 1 niche of her primary fire and youā€™re saying to nerf that niche because of how others make it more achievableā€¦because that definitely wonā€™t make her dead when double shield goes downā€¦

I donā€™t know why you are trying to twist this in another direction. This game is going to be 2/2/2 now which enables Sym a lot. So yeah you can carry with her just because of the team comp. And itā€™s super easy to do. Which is why she is getting nerfed.

BaLaNcE iS gOiNg To Be EaSiEr WiTh 2-2-2

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Sym was finally going to be meta and they took it away from her. They really donā€™t like her

Damage barely nerfed, sheā€™ll just be harder to aim with which is exactly what was needed. Revert the damage nerf even imo, but now she wonā€™t be so abusable at mid/low ranks.

But DOOOOM and Widow are ā€œhigh skillzā€ heroes! - Some elitist somewhere.

Iā€™m not twisting anything tho, the subject matter has been and still is the balance health if sym ._.

and the remarks about carrying = being carried are about what you said which doesnā€™t really make sense so you tell me ._.

and like if anything you seem to be twisting things because 2-2-2 in general doesnā€™t enable sym like double shield meta does. if orisa hog was meta rather than double shield sym wouldnā€™t be able to charge primary for free like she does in double shield. likewise with dive. likewise with bunker. no 2-2-2 comp weā€™ve seen thus far enables sym to w+m1 this much. thatā€™s not sym being OP, thatā€™s double shield comp carrying her hard at the inherent level.

Bronze?? youā€™d be supprise how wack the meta is down there (pre role q)

I donā€™t think that person understand what you says. Either they are troll or justā€¦ I suggest you leave them be. Itā€™s pointless anyway.