When should we expect Dva nerf?

All the matches where I played against Dva were lost and an enemy tanks finished with a score of 40 - 2… I only managed to win one, but to do that we had(my team) to completely counterpick her, it’s complete madness. Also, I recently watched a stream of Kraandop where he finished a match on Dva with only one death and 40+ kills. Does the developer even know what balance is?
It seems that in the current season only Zarya and Dva are playable tanks and if you don’t have one of the two, you’ve lost.

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Steamrolling with Zarya is so fun.

Mid-season patch drops this week. Tanks getting nerfed.

Tomorrow. Prepare for Mauga meta.

Mauga will still get rolled by orisa/sig zen/ana and dva assuming the nerfs aren’t that big which they probably won’t be because they hate nerfing dva

Ooo an Orissa meta… So much better… :rofl:

Either way, doesn’t matter what they do. Streamers will cry about any tank having impact. As will the forums. Then that tank will be nerfed, and who ever gets buffed will replace them as the one being complained about.

Never said an orisa meta, just that what destroys mauga now will still destroy him. Realistically assuming they don’t do to many changes next patch will be jq, sig or ball as the top, pick rein and ram are decent as well.

Also are you saying the complaints aren’t valid?

Zarya is pretty awful.

Zarya is supposed to be a soft counter to Dva but in her current state Zarya is never a good pick into Dva since you can’t do anything to her ever unless you’re on a very heavy brawl map then its like 50/50

I consider myself a Zarya main and I have 2x the hours on Dva rn since I almost always swap after first fight against Dva.

I hope, if Jq’s good than Zarya will be good since unlike Dva(because of how busted she is), Zarya has a decent matchup VS JQ

I hope they don’t pre buff zaryas survivability or dps because of her dmg being mitigated by grasp/dm because it would probably seem like a really balanced patch, if I were to control the balance the changes to zarya I would make are probably remove self dmg from grenade and maybe increase self knockback by like 20-30% maybe as a decent change so she can actually do more techs and be playable on more than flash point and kings row as she can take low high grounds and keep up when she has high charge without doing a 6th of her health bar to herself

No, I’m saying complain about the op tank of the week is pointless… it’ll just be someone else tomorrow.

Well no because no one else can compete with dva so if they nerf dva and don’t buff anyone else, there will still be strong tanks but there is no obvious number 2 as she’s so far ahead and the roster feels reasonably balanced with each other comparatively. counter swapping will probably get stronger again but that’s better than just 1 insane, unstoppable force

I don’t understand Blizzard obsession with making tanks Immortal.

I hate the fact that I feel like I could afk holding down left click and probably win most of the games I win now.

I like when I can kill and out play the other tank. I really really liked the 20% DPS passive because I could actually kill the other tank when it was active(I liked pre season-9 even more and ow1 more than that)

Well they buffed Orissa and Hog because they literally never learn from their mistakes :rofl:

They can’t create balanced tanks. It’s physically impossible for their team, they are incapable of it. It’s why we have 1 or 2 broken tanks a season. Only time I ever had proper fun was Junkerqueen meta, i was fine with Ball meta and hog was easily enough countered. Mauga meta was miserable but Dva is arguably even worse.

They can. They just choose not to.

Nerf armour. OK.
Nerf D.Va. OK.

But why buff Orissa and Hog…

Why not realise Mauga is going to be strong against and look at him.

Maybe all they needed to do was just nerf the armour and let it play out.

Dvas barely been merged, she has maybe a second less of survivability. Doesn’t change the core mechanics that are making her miserable to play against. She’s still going to be a super mobile wall. While she exists the way she is, there is no reason to play 2/3 of the entire tank roster. The other tank changed at least make them not throw picks now,although they still get shut down super easy.