When Overwatch 2's release date is revealed

Can you link it to me? I haven’t heard of this

Why would they need to do that?

We’ve already seen Sojourn… unless you actually believe we’ll get more than 1 new hero :crazy_face:

Sorry had issues putting in the link. Just Google: „Overwatch 2 Chacko Sonny Bloomberg“.

„ In recent years, Blizzard has put the bulk of its resources into [Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV] both of which have now been disrupted by multiple high-level departures. The Blizzard spokesman said Overwatch 2 “is in the final stages of production” and that the company will share more information at the finals of Blizzard’s esports event later this month.“

If you think about it they don’t make money for making new heroes if OW2 is going to be free for OW1 owners anyway.

First we will get pre order for the game, i think its good point to start thinking about OW2 from there, so still a lot of time to go.

That would be “the final stages of production” in Blizzard years, not real production time.

Kinda, not really. Were getting all the maps and the heroes but if we want pve or the new redesigns, then we have to pay for it. Its like when you go to buy overwatch theres 3 different choices.
Overwatch base edition
Origins edition
Legendary edition
And each of them are progressivly more expensive.

Theyre gonna add ow2 as a new buy option

And if you already have one of the previous 3 bought, then you get that amount that you bought it for taken off the receipt. Just like with legendary amd origins editions

You are missing the point. They want ppl to buy OW2. So any time spent on new heroes who are free means less time spent for the PvE that they are trying to sell. If the PvE sux then nobody will just buy OW2 if you get all the new heroes free on launch.

Yeah but you could say the same about the origins and legendary edition skins. People are gonna buy ow2 because they want to try out the pvp and they want to get the new skins. It kinda wont make a difference.

Well skins are still just skins.
It is one thing buying a game because there is stuff to do in it and ppl are less likely to buy it just for few skins.

For example I bought the legendary edition of OW much later and only because it was on a discount.

I see. I agree with the skins. But i dont think itll be a total flop. People will still want to play the pve just because its lore. And im pretty sure alot of the major content creators will.play it just to hype it up.

I mean…I am interested in it, from what I heard of it

You suppose the only hero reveal isn’t soujorn which isn’t technically a reveal at this point

It’s called sarcasm. That’s why I used emojis to make it more obvious.

I don’t really care about OW2 anymore and nothing really surprises me after 5v5.

Hmm I should’ve used emojis as well, I apologise