When is the next hacker/cheater banwave coming?

Having to wait 6 months to hope you actually ban people who are obviously hacking is getting tiresome. I’m not even talking about people who are using the subtle hacks like aim assist and wallhacking that you have seen around the forums lately. It is hard to sus those out, but there has been 4 hackers in low masters / high diamond that are known hackers that haven’t got banned yet for 2 seasons.

And I mean blatant snapping to your head through walls perfect tracking stuff.

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I think one just happenes in the last few days, there have been an influx of posts about it the last few days of ppl complaining there accounts got suspended

As it may be, there are still troves of people using cheats, MH is full, many are in groups and use blatant snap-to-target and aim-through-walls cheats.

The “wave banning” has definitely proven to be a non-viable method IMHO, also the new “kernel-level” cheats out there seem to be going completely under the radar of most games, that makes the whole thing even worse.

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Wave banning creates lulls of cheaters and sudden unknown barriers for cheat makers to overcome, whereas banning ASAP creates easily trackable meters for what works and what doesn’t work to the cheat developers.

So what WOULD be a better method in your opinion?

lol. like they care. pretty sure they dont know how and dont really care. look. they have 4 years ok. whats the improvement? answer this yourself and ull laugh

A quicker wave-banning method could make life easier for those who’re not using cheats, also there are many “footprints” that are going to remain the same within many of the cheats sold out there.
Also, the banning of cheaters should rely on HWID so that to start playing again, these people should pay quite dearly, not just another cheap or giveaway OW account.

What Valorant is doing seems to be working quite well, I understand kernel-level drivers may make some people nervous, yet they seem to be (at least for now) a viable solution in catching and banning cheaters.

Did the kernel anti-cheat get better by the way? People got past it in the beta, so I’m not too sure if it’s the end-all be-all solution. Sure those guys got banned in the next few days… But the sheer fact that it happened on day 1 of the beta… With an Overwatch hack no less.

According to very many players Valorant anti-cheat seems to be very good at detecting all sorts of new and experimental cheats, including the kernel-based ones that - so it seems - are impossible to detect for COD and OW’s anti-cheat system, so I’d say that it’s got much better and they seems to be pretty on-top of their game by working on it constantly.
I’d love for something similar to appear in OW and possibly OW2.

Debatable. The faster you react to cheats, the easier it is for the cheat makers to find out what you’re detecting and how to get around it. It’s always an arms race and it never ends. Also If you want the largest group in an online games support structure to be the anti-cheat one… then maybe it’d work but that just isn’t gonna fly with most studios.

There are a LOT of people out there who oppose software reading that kind of info and there are ways around it. So while it’d eliminate the pool of cheaters who aren’t savvy in that way, it would cause other problems.

… you mean the one that made other games false flag people? … allegedly.

I think you’ve got a very one sided view of what cheat prevention and detection ought to be and is right now.

It’s a constant battle for either side and there are brilliant minds on both.

HWID is not that easy to circumvent, plenty of info about how many tried and failed, Win10 uses HWID for activation (well aware of the activation circumvention scheme out there) so don’t see what would make it a huge deal, seems more like an excuse, it also - seems - the false flagging happening in Valorant has been quickly rectified and people re-instated in the game.

Yes I have a one-sided view about cheat prevention and while I understand very well that is an ongoing battle, there seems to be some solutions that work better than others, that’s all I’m saying.
And as the OP stated: is 6 months some a reasonable time to wait?

Also, no matter how long the ban takes, they’re back at it within the next couple days, seems that not even the lawsuit that hit that cheat provider did nothing to curb their efforts.