When is Hanzos rework going to live?

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the post was pretty vague, but i’m hoping the changes are pretty substantial (because god does she need help). she’s my favourite support as well

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Patch time is usually between noon and 2 pm. Should be going live in the next hour or two.

Oh, good! Someone in the other thread said it wasn’t coming today. Ever since they announced the disastrous Junkrat nerfs I’ve been waiting for the Hanzo rework. I need a new DPS to focus on and with so many DPS in terrible places lately I had no idea who, but the new Hanzo sounds hilariously OP and would make a suitable replacement. Besides, he’s always been fun, just bad.

Hanzo was bad if you were bad. Good luck Junk main, his spam doesn’t bounce around.

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My aim is fine. I only picked Junk because I love his playstyle and because so many of the hitscan heroes are so weak.

Could you give a Link to the post? Can’t find it

Patch will go live in a few hours.


Thanks Jeff, hope your having a great day

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Is it rolling out at the usual time? so 7pm GMT?

Are you guys still working on Doomfist? He needs help

I’m ready to storm bow some fools


You guys are doing a great job. Thanks for making and upkeeping this awesome game!!!

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Thanks Kappa!

:heart_eyes: Oh Jeff

New Lucio here i come

So the 11:15ish PST slot?! Hype! I hope I get some Quick Play in over lunch then. :blush:

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My day is long and slow and physically painful but now I have a lot to look forward to and help me through it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Omg it’s happening, everyone to your stations!

Somebody somewhere will be the very last person to oneshot a tank with a scatter arrow.