When is Blizzard going to make main tanks fun?

I love watching a white bar on my screen just disappear. I love watching my health bar just disappear. I love seeing my hero pool consisting of really two heroes. I Love losing SR because i could hold my blue barrier up longer than the other red barrier.

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Well, they could do this.

  • AnchorTanks: SimilarFirepower, MediumHP, StrongBarrier
  • OtherTanks: SimilarFirepower, HighHP, Peel abilities

Along with:

  • All Tanks: 20% Headshot Resistance.
  • Rein/Sigma/Orisa: Higher Ult charge requirements.
  • Zenyatta: Discord bypasses Barriers.


When Blizz actually care about Tanking. You’re lucky to see one Tank patch every six months and nothing in between to follow up and tweak the gross imbalance that results from what they do do.

Blizz hate tanks. It’s well documented.


So you’re equating playing Main Tank == losing SR?

That’s hugely wrong though. Main Tanks is BY FAR the easiest role to climb on, simply due to how impactful it is as a role. The team with the worse Main Tanks is often the loser. As another note, tank players get to actually to play WAY MORE than DPS and Supports due to requiring queue times almost 10 times faster (no kidding).

As to “limited to two heroes”, I agree that the tank situation currently isn’t perfectly balanced and I’d love for it to be more even.

Blizzard is just slow on balancing things properly.

But I’ve noticed, when they go with something I’ve suggested, it usually goes well. :slight_smile:

No, they’re slow at balancing DPS and Support.

They don’t balance Tanks at all. They try to make changes and mess them up, but balance is not something that has ever been on their radar for the class.

Tanks actually got balanced way more than certain DPS heroes.

I just made a post yesterday about quitting tanking. I’m moving on to support. Been a main tank main ever since I started playing this game and I love heroes like Rein and Winston, but I just can’t deal with the endless frustrations of the role anymore.

It often feels like the entire game is designed around making main tank life as miserable as possible.

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Well, they are gonna have to do something soon enough to deal with queue times.

Cause even though I know that OpenQueue featured next to RoleQueue should help take a solid chunk out of queue times.

It’s probably only about 1/3rd of the needed effect on queue times.

And that mostly just leaves changes to Tanks, to make them more popular.

So when have Tanks ever been balanced?

They simply haven’t. That’s not a goal.

They try to make them playable and they mess with them when they get too oppressive (not strong, oppressive, Rein isn’t seen as oppressive which is why he’s allowed to be so strong).

Meanwhile bad tanks are left to languish for literal years (Hog, Orisa).

But actual balance is just not something they’ve ever sought for the class.

7 years of development inertia and ambivalence to Tanks should tell you nothing is going to change.

I guess, I just live a weird forum existence where I say stuff, and a couple weeks or months later, it’s in game :slight_smile:

Granted, I say a lot of things, and only a tiny fraction of that got considered, but the the more specific ones do stand out.

They are fun if you’re a main tank player which takes patience and knowledge. Main tank difference is one of the biggest differences a team can have and has the highest impact on the outcome of the game, but individually they’re not that strong heroes which makes main tanking not really that fun anymore after they nerfed them all across the board because of Sigma’s release (thanks sigma…)

i play main tanks a lot, they’re fun if you like that playstyle.
if you don’t like it because they’re no fun, they aren’t for you or you haven’t acquired the taste for them yet.

if you don’t like to play certain tanks because they feel weak it’s probably because you need more skills to make them worth while.

What support you thinking of maining?

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Queue times, if the role was fun we wouldn’t have 3 second queue times for tanks.


I’ve already played a lot of supports since I’ve always played all the roles, just MUCH more tank than others. I have 50 something hours on Zen, he’s my favourite but I know he’s in a bit of a bad spot right now.

I like Brig too since she’s almost like a mini Rein with the shield and the flail. I’ll probably main her or Baptiste.

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A man of taste, good choices.

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