If ana wasn’t such a broken healer, we might get other team compositions that didn’t rely on ana, anti and nanoboost. She is one part of the broken meta and she’s the broken healer that allows this and she’s one of the heroes that have to be looked at. Nobody can justify her current dominance.
Um, you do know Lucio and Ana are meta right? There both being picked together a lot, always have been.
Don’t nerf what ain’t broken
You would think with Mercy enabling DPS that more DPS would want her to be meta. Surprisingly not.
Her competitors (Bap, Moira) got nerfed after they forced a mirror comp (Bunker and double Barrier)
Every other comp got destroyed or is not viable and that is not Anas fault.
Bunker, double barrier both nerfed into the ground, Dive not viable because of the strong anti dive we have, especially Brig.
But you see: we DO get other team comps. Ana is ONE option, but she can’t give you speed Boost. She can only give dmg boost on an ultimate. She cant provide the backline space anywhere NEAR as long as a Brig. She has no mobility, and can be dived by 2 people with any coordination whatsoever if she’s playing as brainless as some replies in this thread have suggested. There are better options than Ana sometimes, it just depends on the map, what you’re playing, and what the enemy has.
Mercy was META for a year,
not even that,
during GravDragon and Double Sniper she was only meta adjacent,
being the only support that could synergise well with the snipers, and of course,
damage boosted Dragonstrike
She was on her way out of the meta and she still got sledgehammer nerfs,
she is still in the gutter to this day.
try playing Mercy in GM solo,
Mercy’s winrate is definitely inflated in GM by the fact that she practically requires a good DPS duo pocket to have a >50% winrate
Lol no we don’t, it’s just Ana, Rein and their buddies. In every rank + owl.
So, what now then? Are they gonna be buffed to be able to compete and probably set the forums on fire again or is Ana gonna be toned down to their level?
I mean it should be proof enough that even in OWL, Ana gets swapped around, not often, but does get swapped, where Lucio doesn’t
Does Lucio need a nerf then too?
We had a Double Barrier meta, and we had Baptiste-Bunker meta instead.
Both compositions that the community felt were vastly less fun than the current meta that we’re in.
But here’s a question, if Ana is so broken, what would you do to nerf her that wouldn’t put her in the trash?
You would think that with Mercy enabling DPS, more Mercy-Mains would want Dive to be meta as well, but such is the paradox.
DPS-Mains don’t like Mercy, and Mercy-Mains doesn’t really like most DPS-Mains.
Both groups argue against one another so often it’s stupid.
Not that hard. The meta is driven by Mei on every map that wall works well on, with Rein and McCree being picked to synergize. Ana gets picked in turn to prop Rein up. On the remaining maps, we’re seeing other supports get run, at least in OWL.
Lucio is worse than Ana IMO
at least everything else changes, albeit slowly,
all else ebbs and flows but he has been constant for the longest time,
only now is Brigitte starting to inch him out the tiniest bit with her value
Hm. . .really? So, would you like to explain the multiple teams over the past 4 weeks in OWL who have chosen to not run Ana in different circumstances? Teams have run Brig+Lucio, Baptiste+Lucio, Mercy+Moira, and a bunch of other options. Interesting observation: Ana wasn’t in any of those last 3 support combos, each of which is better for different situations.
Lucio is really well balanced atm. Hes good if you’re good with him, same as Ana.
Oh I know, I’m just pointing out how silly it sounds
Any hero that is required should be nerfed, no exceptions.
Couple matches of owl teams meme-experimenting ignores the bigger picture of Ana being a must pick in reality.
I agree with this
Ana is hardly overpowered
Biotic Grenade is definitely overtuned and could do with a nerf but other than that Ana is perfectly fine,
Her high healing output is justified by her being a single target healer (don’t @ me with “BUT AIM” because you really don’t need a lick of aim to pump obscene healing into tanks with her)
Then we’ll be hitting eachother with wet noodles and healing 1 hp?
When was the last time there was a meta that was able to be swapped around with others?