When do we penalize supports for 0 healing

your only answer is oh no you did the one wrong thing you could do dps bad.

When the dude is recieving zero healing ?

No, my answer is there is a potential reason that is not necessarily the healers fault that you’re not getting healing.

DPS not bad, DPS is a rough job especially if you’re not getting healing. However DPS has to have the same awareness of their team that support is expected to to work well as a team.

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those are really edge cases and in those cases someone else will point it out.

Actually DPS have more awareness of enemy threat, supports are the one who generally have full awareness of the playground and need to be active and support the team.

All we do is report each other lmao


Reportwatch 2

We won’t rest until everyone and their distant relatives are banned for life!


i hope they make the report system tight like for chat system soon, then we can all ban each other fast out of this game :joy: is the only fitting end we all deserve.

Not my experience.

I disagree.
A good DPS knows when their team is with them and can see them.
Same with a tank.

I rarely blame my team for heals I’m not getting. If I don’t get them when diving, I’ll swap and stick my butt in their faces as further ranged.

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I dunno what it is about this game but this thread made me boot up. I was playing Dave the Diver. Dunno what it is. Maybe I need to bully some players on Lucio. I don’t like us

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to an extent see the mercy is there next in a corner beaming me and i strafe shoot someone , you take a duel thinking you have back up but they have flown elsewhere.

Dps midfight have to rely on only past memory that i was in support los so they should be healing me.

I cant keep looking back while fight a enemy.

I just played a game in quick play load in first thing…
One of the healers says “na i just played with this group they are trash” I had not played with this person before as my last match I was backfill.

So match starts they go lucio and have 90 healing for the entire match… they run around away from everyone and do not engage so we are a man down and that one being a healer… surprisingly we won.

But this brings me to a post I made the other day… if its before match has started let someone leave. I would rather them leave right away and not get a penalty and we get someone in before match starts but instead … because of penalties they stay and throw the entire match??

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And that sucks, but that’s not a 0 heals instance. You had some support sometimes but both of you did not understand what was about to happen.

The support thought you were good for a little while and you thought you had a pocket.

If you are CONSISTENTLY not getting heals while engaging there is something happening incorrectly but what that IS shifts a lot.

my entire point is that the scoreboard shows numbers and what people have done and WILL do with those numbers is confirmation bias their own narrative and blamethrow.

Healing received is going to be the new eliminations.

“blurf blurf blurf blurf 0 heals received!!!”
“blarg blarg blarg blarg always too far”

nobody is going to do anything PRODUCTIVE with that #.

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see this too it has nothing to do with me being good or bad, its common sense to not abandon a teammate committing to a fight.

You are just committed to giving some long winded excuses for being a poor support and blaming dps for it.

I call this cooking donoughts with words.

Except they didn’t know you were going to do this.

… are you a troll, cause it sounds like you’re trying to make this into a fight about DPS and that’s not it.

I play flex. I get tank a LOT but I understand the DPS struggle. You’ll notice from one of my earliest responses I said it’s not necessarily the DPS’ fault.

You are in fact demonstrating my argument exactly as I said. You’re looking at this hypothetical number and confirmation biasing your observation to support your narrative that you did nothing wrong and your support made all the mistakes.

Yeah your made up situation could happen, but it’s more likely there were things both of you could have done to make supporting you easier and neither of you are fully to blame for that number being low.

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there is a pharmacy , you have one soldier who else is going to take care of it.

again cooking donoughts with words.

you tell me with your made up “I am the hero” story.

Maybe there’s another hitscan. Maybe your tank can handle it. Maybe your other DPS is a crackshot hanzo.

I don’t know.

See all you can do is call someones experience lie with zero evidence cause you are biased.

Donoughts baking with words

Any way lets see if i can show you a positive example of why having stats will work, this match was super hard cause both our supports neglected focussing healing on dps and tanks, it made the match harder than it had to be, by the second round i told them blatantly citing the healing diff on both sides and we needed it to win.

Guess what it went through our moira’s head and she pumped healing and we won, even if it happens 1 out of 10 times its worth it.

Same way healing recieved will help get the attention better, its not a tool to be toxic.

We were able to layinto the enemy team once the supports enabled us instead of dpsing and getting killed.

Once they supported us we won.

Now sure half of them will not listen i dont care about that, but for everyone that will it is useful.

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All you had was a hypothetical where you were the hero. I am happy to look at an actual case.

Scoreboards have incredibly good intentions but are historically used in poor ways by EVERY ROLE.
This is a case of 9 times out of 10 it will be used to be toxic though. For all the 1 or 2 times someone will listen to your suggestion, there will be that 9 or 18 where someone see’s the low number, decides they aren’t getting what they want and either start soft throwing or being toxic about it.

I won’t say it CAN’T be useful. I’ll just say it won’t be helpful most of the time because people generally do not parse metrics objectively.

The problem isn’t people that CAN use it, it’s how many people will misuse it.

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pfffffffffffffffffffffffffftttt hell no! blizzard dose not care!!!

Whats that? you got money and you wana give it to us even though the game isnt yours?!
Blizzard had your full attention… on your money that is.

down with companies like blizzgreed.

It’s useful to me , and would be to many others as well, if they use it for toxicity people can report them given toxicity reports are way stricter now

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I report for throwing, cause there is a reasonable value people should have, at any point in the game and unless game is starting it should not be 0…