When did Blizzard fans lower their standards?

It really is. I can’t fully enjoy a MP game these days if I don’t blow my paycheck on the shop or dedicate all of my free time to grinding. All I want to do is clip some highlights and have my character look cool doing so. That is no longer possible.

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Just equip that average OW1 skin, it doesn’t compare to a single OW2 skin in quality cause they won’t update the OW1 models, now you can continue to make highlights while looking mediocre!

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I am unsure how to explain the reason why, I think everyone has a different reason, to begin with.

For me, I paid $40 and I don’t really care if they rebrand the game to have a 2 at the end, it isn’t a full sequel and even when it becomes that, it was not justifiable to me. I do not think I should be forced into a position where I can’t continue to collect every item. That was half the fun to me, otherwise, the gameplay experience alone does not make up for the lack of getting anything.


I like that way of thinking. Imagine spending a ton of money on cosmetics and still getting clapped by someone with a generic skin. That would sting.

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“I am so happy I missed out on that skin for my favorite hero, I sure won’t be annoyed by it later on!” - Me probably in like a month.


The players who spend the money will feel worse in the long run. It’d be like driving a Corvette yet still being a female repellent :joy:

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Cosmetics are the special sauce at your favorite restaurant. It’s not needed to eat, but it’s something that’s liked.

That’s all it is. A bit of extra flavor that “completes” the experience.


2013 when they added Cosmetic Helms to the Blizzard store for WoW.

OW2 to me is like this:

Imagine going to a hotel, it is not near anything remotely interesting, they’ve taken out half of the amenities, no room service, etc. But if you pay extra you can get more things and bonuses ultimately wasting your money. And the manager at this hotel will just tell you “it’s the experience that counts and matters” even though the hotel he is running is awful and you’d rather be anywhere else at this point, or at least in a place that treats you like a valued guest.

Not sure if that makes sense but it did in my head. Basically, the experience alone won’t make up for the place being terrible. OW2 is the same thing.


“Pay us extra for a room without roaches”

Sounds about right.


A lot of the “eSport aspiring” crowd don’t care about skins at all

The esports crowd and creators both want us to spend money to fund the game for them, I think they care at least from the perspective of us being preyed upon.


Let’s be honest, the real esport wannabes aren’t playing Overwatch in 2022 to begin with. Those are posers.

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I’m more talking about the crowd of people who see themselves as future eSports stars

Ya know, your average League of Legends player

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Seriously look at Blizzard releases over the past decade and sift through which ones were actually good games versus rereleases, remasters, total accidents like Hearthstone or salvaged projects like Overwatch. There’s really only a couple titles worth anything.

Almost everything has a cash shop, uses engagement driven design or was a total sh-t show at one point or another. The ones that don’t fall into those categories are pretty much all old titles. Hell, even Collector’s Editions have the same content or less, yet cost twice as much for no apparent reason.

They’re not the same company and it’s blatantly obvious.


Fair point. I’ve always thought that Overwatch’s success was purely a fluke. It was just nice when it was a video game that you could still pickup and play for fun when you wanted and not another chore checklist they preys on FOMO like every other MP game out there.

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Release yourself from the grind. Giving up your attachment to all cosmetics is the way to peace.

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Giving up your attachment to Overwatch is the way to peace. It’s impossible to accept a Fortnite model for a 6 year old IP.

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It makes me sad, because the actual game is going to be pretty fun. It just sucks that they’ve thrown a wet blanket over the whole thing with their engagement and monetisation systems.


Blizzard is dead. It sucks.

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