When did Blizzard fans lower their standards?

OW in particular is a tragedy, they went from bold and industry defning to following other people’s ideas and simply making sure they were above the bottom of the barrel games who do this

OW2 feels like a massive nerf to integrity


$900 million during the tail end of a three year period where we barely got any content.
It would likely make more id cosmetics/modes held out for OW2 were released…

And sales were trending up


As far as I can tell OW2 is still very high quality, it’s just the monetization that kinda stinks. But I’ll gladly take the meh monetization if it means I get playable content for years and years to come. League has pumped out content for 14 years, would be awesome if OW2 did the same.

I dont think the standards dropped really, most people are raging about monetization and not hero balance or new maps. In fact I have never ever seen any map rage related thread at all and … maybe 2 threads about Push?

You have to actually use logic and facts instead of getting mad at the actual reason and call it an “excuse”. If your direct competitors are kicking your seat over and over and over again and your team of devs is not getting financial support and lootboxes are out of the table … you dont really have many realistic options buddy.

Im not saying they will die without F2P, but choosing the less optimal route, with the less potential benefit “just because we will be the cool kid” is absolutely ill advised.

Thats just reality :man_shrugging:

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…the people playing the ‘golden age’ of Blizz games would be aged 30+ years old now (maybe even 40+)…

…a lot of people playing Diablo Immortal and OW aren’t even 18 yet lol…how you can you lower your standards if you didn’t grow-up playing the originals lol… :rofl:

You think the whales in Diablo Immortal pumping thousands of dollars each into it are all teenagers?

I don’t think the name Diablo means anything to teenagers. I think the entire playerbase is probably late 20s and older.

Thank you. Your response supports my reply that players have ‘no connection’ to Overwatch so your OP point is moot in regards to it.

You’re also (incorrectly) assuming people will only play a game they ‘know…’ Fortnite begs to differ… :wink:

Additionally you’re also (incorrectly) assuming some kids under 18 don’t have extremely generous/wealthy parents that may give them plenty of money to spend on online games (also I’m not saying it’s all kids before you retort that…) :slight_smile:

I wonder if the money from Overwatch went to trying to fund OWL.
All the revenue of a game of the year, thrown down the well of esports.

Especially painful when I doubt an Overwatch esport really needed to be funded so heavily by Blizzard and could’ve just grown slowly over the first few years.

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Some people accept it but it’s only because they have been gaslit to believing that this is the only way when it just isn’t. Games have existed for over 30 years and of those years, at least 20 of them didn’t have goofy cosmetic MTX or F2P garbage. The industry thrived without it for the longest time, you have just been tricked into thinking it won’t survive unless it is this way, but that will never be the case.

There is never a case where these companies don’t have the money to fund their games.


I dunno about Diablo Immortal, but there’s far greedier games out there than Overwatch 2.

So true. I feel the urge to vomit every time I see someone say “the old model wasn’t sustainable” when Overwatch was bringing in nearly 1 billion dollars of revenue into its 6th year.


“It obviously wasn’t working!” :clown_face: probably, especially the 1 that starts with a P. Who in another thread said it’s fine, we get new content, and also still going to waste money and buy new skins. :joy: :joy:


Zoomers and their rich parents have accepted and normalized the downfall of gaming.


It’s funny because what good is new content when it takes a loan to obtain it all? Even OW1 content costs a total of 12 grand to obtain in OW2 :joy:

We are reaching car prices for skins.


But remember skins apparently do not matter at all. I think people honestly are so delusional and absolutely lying to themselves when they claim they don’t care about cosmetics/skins. There is no way they don’t care. I have never met anyone who willingly woke up and said “Gee I am so happy I missed out on that skin for 1 of my favorite heroes because the price was unjustifiable! Oh, look a whale! How nice!”

I genuinely don’t know what world they live in, but that isn’t how it goes for anybody.


They say cosmetics don’t matter yet if that were true then OW2 wouldn’t make any money at all. Blizzard figured out that cosmetics actually matter more to players than anything else which is why they changed their entire business model to mimic Fortnite.

Certain people never said cosmetics didn’t matter for the last 6 years either. They decided to start that crap when cosmetic prices were revealed. Bunch of hypocrites.


I don’t care about cosmetics/skins. They’re nice to have I guess, but I could not care less if I were not able to get them. Pink Mercy is a pretty good skin, and yet I will not lose an ounce of sleep knowing that I won’t be able to get it.

I’m here to play the game. If I want to look at pretty cosmetics I can do that in the hero gallery.

It really is just awful, this modern gaming F2P :poop: is literally sucking the soul out of gaming lol.


As long as you know that they actually do matter, at least to others, and aren’t dismissing the concern.

I can acknowledge that they do matter for some, but I can also express my lack of understanding as to why.