When did bastion get removed?

and why? y’all never took brig out of the game when she was strong? that single handedly ruined the game for a year.

About 4 days ago, for glitch reasons not balance ones

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overwatch 2, called 2 because it removes 2 characters on launch

wasn’t there a beta, no wait that was just an advertising campaign and now in live we must have disabled characters


Wouldn’t be the first time. I remember D.Va being disabled when she had a game-breaking glitch back in OW1.

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sorry you’re right it is the consumer’s mistake i should expect pieces of the game to not be played

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Not sure how you came to that conclusion based on what I said, but okay dude


Having seen the Bastion glitch, I’m very glad that he’s not available for play until it’s resolved.

Is it also the consumer’s mistake to want good matches that lack bricked ultimates?

I played against somebody exploiting it. It wasn’t fun.


for some reason it always seems to revolve around the idea of defending blizzard with you and this is in every possible scenario, are you surprised?

defense at most, cushion at least. every post.

Blizzard doesn’t seem to understand context which leads to poor decision making

A bastion killed me with the glitch. Lets just say I’m happy playing ranked right now without him in the game.

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I just answered the OP’s questions dude :joy:

we already had a literal beta friend
the argument is that this never should have happened period, not to reinstate broken things that we had time to thoroughly test

the only ball expected in the consumer’s court is to pay for the product.

Bastion had a bug with his ult. That’s why he was removed.

When Blizzard actually bothered to realize there was a glitch. It seems they don’t have game testers or don’t bother to investigate until it becomes a problem.

Some people on here will do anything to twist other people’s words for some reason. It’s odd :roll_eyes:

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Well actually the real reason behind Bastion’s removal is that he is currently recovering from a very unfortunate snowmobiling accident.

I told him firing those artillery shots behind him wouldn’t make him go faster, but did he listen? Noooo. Poor thing got avalanche’d.

I agree it shouldn’t have happened, but at the end of the day the situation is what it is. Under these circumstances, Bastion being disabled makes sense.

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the people this should be said to are the ones with the jobs not being done

And somehow when people like you gets proven wrong you have to change subject/move the goalpost…

It’s good to disable heroes if they have game breaking exploits that people are abusing.

They’d just ignore you.

They won’t even refund the currency their damn chat bug took from me :man_shrugging: