When are u gonna nerf mei?

Mei is fine.
She is a strong cc DPS hero but she is still low health and easy to kill for many heroes.
Flank her, go over / around her wall, force out ice block them now her down.

So your argument is personal experience based on one game? Oh, sorry, I clearly didnā€™t see that perfect point being made, proving how strong the character is.

How can she be strong and in need of nerfs? but not be op?
kinda concradicting dont ya think?

I want her wall and ult nerfed. thats fair
(I am alil biased and want them to nerf freeze but I dont expect them too and dont really care if they do) so yeah there is that

its a valid argument honestly.
If something is universally (as in a big chunk of population doesnt find it fun), then there is something wrong with said hero. Fun fact: A big chunk finds mei super unfun to play against.

your argument is that she isnt a free win hero, when I went ahead and got masters with a hero in a role I suck at it easily.
Your point isnt really something worth note of either :crazy_face:

I literally said that she is strong. I said she is ā€œnot super OP and brokenā€ like so many want to claim, just look at some people above.
She is strong enough, to warrant some minor nerfs, but not broken to justify nerfing her into the ground.

Wall, I agree with. Making it less pillars for example (so less pillars, but the pillars are wider). Her ult, I am not so sure, considering it was considered bad for a long time. A lot of characters can still escape easily. It is only strong against comps which clump together. Maybe the duration slightly lowered.

I donā€™t agree with that. Otherwise we would nerf characters left and right. So many people say that one shots are very unfun and yet we still have them in the game.

Her winrate is pretty middle of the pack in most ranks and beside GM, her pickrate is nothing special either. And even there she isnā€™t the most picked with a few others closely behind her.

Sombra was powerful in a balanced team environment and she got nerfed when she literally had the worst pickrate and winrate possible.
The argument of pickrate and winrate really isnt the best indicative of a heroes power expecially if they are dps.
the ratio of players is 1 to 4 to 3
4 being dps.
there are 4 times more players on dps than tank, there are twice as much dps heroes as tank and support
there are also private profiles
Using pickrate and winrate on the ladder isnot really an accurate show of balance or power of the hero.

Hanzo was nerfed and widow was nerfed btw
in ways that make their oneshots obsolete
nerfing and removing is something entirely different
If oneshots are not fun, then nerf them to be somewhat tolerable
thats what they did btw

Wall just literally make it 250 hp a pillar
so breaking 2 pillars makes it easier for tanks who get flipped by wall to escape
Ult is powerfull
even against other comps
the fact she stack freeze, deny a whole point, and has such lil time frame to stun while having a small hitbox and freely move around while casting
is beyond obnoxious
Her duration should 5 seconds, make it not stack her freeze, reduce AOE so she doesnt cover a whole point with it
and give it 25% slow to 80% slow

Yeah I am aware of that, but there are still several DPS picked more than her (for most ranks, in GM itā€™s just McCree).
And yeah, pick and winrate is no the be-all and end-all of what should be taken into consideration, but it is still an indication of how strong/weak characters are/are perceived to be.
The private profile is really bad. All the profiles on Overbuff are still a sample size. You donā€™t need every single profile to see a trend.

Iā€™m going to guess that Ice wall becomes snow wall.

Lets players move through it while being slowed (maybe even frozen if they are too slow) but still allows players to walk on top of it, not see through it and block attacks from both sides until a pillar is destroyed.

With dps I highly disagree.
Because of that were the case
mei is absolute garbage and heroes like genji soldier are god tier which is so false
Pickrate of OWL for dps heroes is what should be taken into consideration if any one of us players who like to use pickrate as argument.
but it shouldnt be.
I always said McCree with his stun duration and Machinegun that better than sombras
IS powerful but people kept coming at me telling me McCree is garbo with garbo stats
Look at him now and look at the people who said McCree is garbo
(lets just say I am having fun saying I told you so alot)

She has 250 which is above average. Make her 200 hp or move her into tank with more health.

Thatā€™s not a nerf, thatā€™s a quality of life improvement that sheā€™s actually needed for everyone in the game.

The anti-Mei-hate nerf train goes choochoo.

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after the devs get boosted to Diamond with Mei

Said and liked by Mei mains

Kinda ironic coming prob from someone who got boosted themselvs.

Rank shaming nor being mean towards others wont get you anywhere but silenced.

ā€œMei is fineā€¦ā€
You Sir are a god damn joke for this community.
XD sheā€™s completely terrifying to play against in some games. And have you never seen OWL?

Mei is only really OP at OWL levels of play, where they use her wall flawlessly. Sheā€™s fine for 95% of the player base.

Sheā€™s absolutely not fine.
I havenā€™t played her in QP for over a year.
Yesterday picked her up for 3 games and completely carried the game by giving free kills for my team.


This is literally what is happening. You can get masters+ easy with mei, no skill required.