What's Your Goal This Season?

Is there a specific jade weapon you want? a rank you wanna reach? an achievement you want to get?

For me, I’m trying to get all the support achievements before space ranger (I had most) I decided to do this the final week of season 9 and managed to get Floor is Lava and Purified before the end of season 9. I’ve avoided Lucio for years as a console player so I was stoked to get Floor is Lava in 2 days of trying.

I only have Baps 2 achievements and Zen’s Rapid Discord left to get and my goal is to get at least 2 of those by the end of the season.

But what do you hope to achieve by the end of the season? :slight_smile:


Get to Diamond on cloud gaming…

Reinhardt green weapon…

:pouting_cat: :+1:

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Witness the return of 6v6.


I don’t have a goal. I’m just playing for fun.

Good luck with Bap’s Window of Opportunity -achievement. I still haven’t gotten it even after 5 years and 100+hrs of playtime on the character. (Not that I spent that whole time trying to get it, but I did try for a pretty long time, and just couldn’t)

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To not completely lose my mind.

It isn’t going well.


Got all achievements already including venture which took 2 days. Gold guns take too much grinding to get without the end of season rank rewards but I have one for all my mains and favourite heroes (used to only play placements to get my rank and then wait for the end season reward. Otherwise I don’t play comp at all). So my only goal once again is to reach level 200 on the BP to make this my 10th season in a row achieving this.

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I don’t really play comp much, and I don’t care much for the jade weapons in the first place.
Only goal is really finishing the battle pass like every season and have fun with the characters I enjoy.
Play some more DPS, since I enjoy Venture quite a bit and they are a pretty solid pick. Guess my goal is to get better with them.

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To try and start playing comp again, I have never really played comp at all in a longgggggg time because I hated the feeling surrounding the mode and how players were always on edge because they need a game to rank up.

So I wanna start playing it again but it gives me anxiety just thinking about it. Especially since I play Lifeweaver and there’s going to be people in comp who will literally just report me for playing him and I don’t want my account to be permanently suspended.

But I want to see where my skills on him will land me in the ranked ladder, cause I do think I am a very good LW.

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Toast out here getting fried!

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I have also been playing bap for years but I’m putting in the hours on him now :slight_smile:
I am getting close now that I’m actually dedicating time to it. Its a bit RNG but if I can get atleast 3 allies in front of window and an enemy orisa I can get a ton of healing and damage done.

I do wish bap’s stat board showed him how much healing he boosted it’d be so much easier to track. (Im also struggling with stand by me because for some reason people are allergic to immortality field and they have been for years)

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Nope. Just the usual having fun with friends. My goal of animated top500 spray was completed many years ago, now we just play with friends.


To become a great DPS and never play as a support again, less stressful and nobody ever complains at me.

maybe hit diamond, and getting a gold or gun for kiri or doom i havent decided yet

to get to level 80 in bp and stop playing.

To uninstall and live free