What's your favourite map?

What’s your favourite map and why?

i got 3 junkertown, kings row and dorado

junkertown i love the borderlands feel but each part of the map feels unique, i love how it tends to have its own meta

kings row its just an amazing map most people love it

dorado, its very rare i have a unfun match here, i cant explain it but matches tend to be a lot of fun and very close here

My personal favourite is Busan because I like the colours and the funky music that play when the map is loading.

I really like Busan. Something about it is just so refreshing and fun.

Kings Row, period.

The atmosphere. The art. The level design.

It just seems like the most balanced map on Attack and Defence.

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Kings Row cause it is perfectly designed and has a great aesthetic.

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Probably Kings Row or Eichenwalde.


Kings Row and Hanamura

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Junkertown or King’s Row.
I love thier respective themes. The mix of open sightlines, enclosed areas, twists, flanking tunnels, high ground areas.
Just really nice combinations of most map elements. Good stuff.

King’s Row won all favorite maps pools by a landslide.

3 years later, but anyways, my favorite map is probably kings row or rialto. I love rialto defense especially.

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How do people even find these old threads :rofl: ? Anyway for me it’s either King’s Row or Eichenwalde.

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