What's your favourite bit of Forum-lore?

Overwatch has its fair share of lore but have you ever investigated the lore of our very own Forums?

You may know of the King’s Row Uprising, but did you experience the terror of the Mercy raid?
You’ve heard of Talon’s various villainous exploits but were you around to witness the formation of the Winky Face Council?
Tracer may be the symbol of positivity in Overwatch but you’ve not lived until you’ve seen a JellyandJam thread.

There’s so much history on these Forums that newer players will never see.
So Forum veterans! I call you forth!
Let’s share our favourite memories of threads past and show these young’uns the Forums are more than just a place to rage.
Show them the true wonder that can only happen here.
(Because thank Torbjorn it doesn’t happen anywhere else! :sweat_smile:)


The Shieldshire Pub n Pyre is brilliant.


I think I remember seeing that one!
I spent more time in the Ana Cabana though.


The all sorts of pubs here.
Cool folks in there the lot of them.

Enough to shield people away from the insults flinging baboons outside.

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we will never forget the Council of the Winkyfaces

I was here the day of the raid, and find it interesting that the instigator thereof still has at least one active forum account here


I remember when blizzard tried to make feedback threads on the Mercy rebuild, and we found out the forum had a post limit…


I remember the richC meltdown.

Oh God, I remember the downvote system in old forums. That was a mess.

The great pharah witch-hunt.

I remember SpunkyPotato, they were some kind of weird legend around here. I wonder what are up to these days.

  • The great migration from Forums 1.0 to the new website

  • The great outrage over the new slimmer font

  • The tiny outrage over going from pages of topics to a single endless page where your topic gets lost if it doesn’t get replies within 5 min

  • The Sombra ARG where I made three separate fake Sombra screenshots from in-game (I’m a 3d artist) and a ton of people fell for it, even websites and youtube channels like ohNickel covered my fakes


The RichC saga by far


I kind of miss some of the positive leaders. Sadly they all eventually lost it and fell into a pit of toxicity to never breathe again. But jellyandjam and RichC were the big two.


the heartfelt anger and strange joy at the coming of role queue.

i remember summer games for reasons aside from RQ but knowing it just makes the memory sting now

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beach babe Torbjorn?


RichC’s descent into madness.

The old Mercy Megathreads.

The original pantheon of forum gods

The time when Jeff Kaplan literally said “what about Doomfist?”


“Get a job Bob” and RichC regarding role queue come to mind


The positive traveler, Jelly&Jam, whose threads were said to all be destined for the front page.

Fragehardt, who exemplified the spirit Reinhardt in all his conduct.

They were popular faction leaders but got retired when the forums started transitioning to a grittier aesthetic and more combative quest lines.

I also like the time the devs tried to ask the forums to be less trolly and people freaked out.


heh, that especially.
but mainly because it was summer and i had a ton of free time. I could just enjoy the game without the fear of schoolwork.
That and it was my first authentic time playing lucioball. I played it during anniversary but COPA lucioball was pretty decent

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Don’t remind me…


Shudders Don’t remind me

Unfortunately I took a break from the forums at that time, so I missed it.

Oh yes, me and Jelly had some great conversations. They were always so positive and welcoming to their threads. I was so sad when Jelly told me they were taking a break for a while.

It is, Rocktopus is a cool guy. Probably my favorite other forum user.

I wasn’t here for that, it was sad to hear about later. I had had some good conversations with richC in the past.

Their soul still lingers. Ghosts whisper of a reincarnation (or multiple) who wander the forums to this very day.

Jelly never got toxic, at least as far as I saw. They just decided to take a break (maybe permanently).

Still mad I never made it into any of them, but I guess I am just not that popular.

As for forum lore I remember, I know where to find how the trust levels work. I also have the link to the site where you can find out your trust level. Searching for the post about how trust levels work was an adventure, and it is one of my favorite links saved for how useful it has been

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I think he/she/they hit a wall. Maybe they didn’t fall into toxicity. But they definitely stopped before they did. I think they hit a plateau of positivity.

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Probably, Jelly had a ton of posts. I could definitely see it being tiring


I remember when I got Trust Level 3 days ahead of all of you, and you were all jealous of me.