hello everyone nice to see you all again.
due to the anxiety and depression i had from ow comp i watched sleepy for awhile and then end up watching a lot and i mean A LOT of anime after he keeps talking about it.
nothing wrong with comp but you really need to take breaks and learn how much to play of it a day, a solid 3 hours is enough for me or i get cranky and unfocused and start getting tilted from losses.
ANYWAYS due to the threads of ow getting very toxic i want to make a nice thread to keep is postive. so ow players whats your fav anime?
mine is parasyte: the maxim and fav song is next to you, i am legit still crying from such a well written anime.
i am not joking go watch it it is heavily underrated and very old aka from 2014.
but ya this has to be tied with the seven deadly sins or better, finding good animes is so rare even the mature ones.
i don’t mind the kid friendly animes but castvania,seven deadly sins and parasyte has more depth story and is very VERY gripping and will make you benchwatch it.
so ya do share your fav animes as well i would like to know what you guys watch and also remember if your going to play comp stay cool/calm and don’t be toxic.
this game has one of the best community’s no reason to get perma banned from a toxic a hole. turn vc/tc off if needed too(i do it) and stay positive.
the goal of gm is for fun not a job, stop trying to get boosted or whatever to gm, just climb to it.
gm is nice and all but should not effect your sanity and like i said should be measured with great caution and not overdone.
i have played comp all my ow career since session 2 with 1.5k hours in the game, i could hit gm but i would need to be more patient and practice more and i just can’t handle such dedication anymore.
so ya play for fun and stay positive and remember to take your breaks, terraria and the dark souls franchise are very good unwind games.
see you guys later in the comments, gonna go play some qp to enjoy the game yet again. no more comp i enjoy the calm games its nice and different and the q times and back fills are faster.