Whats with the sym beam

whats with the sym beam, can we take it down a notch already ? the damage is insane on that thing … she melts down shields and tanks and its a non stop process her reload time is the old mcree between shots time what is up with that dude ?


They slated to nerf both Sym and Zarya beam damage. It’s on PTR currently I believe.


She is a dps now honey, treat her like reaper and stay out of her range, its not like she have a noodle Beam jumping around mindlessly

The PTR already nerfed her damage and beam width and i suspect that even with that youll still find it OP and unfun if you still see her as a none threatening hero.

People tend to ignore her and when you do thats where she shines and melt.


heres a secret…
shoot her


Stay out of her range is a gold argument. Anyone with a brain know that this is impossible in 2cp or KoTH maps.


pros need to use her more and less doom before doom gets nerfed.

She’s getting a damage nerf.


nothing against you but whenever people use honey unironically it just makes me feel like the person is just one of those people who pulled down their pants fully when using the urinal


I would if im a guy haha

Good thing overwatch is not always KOTH or 2CP

Thats why she is “Niche” in those modes
God forbid she is good at something amiright?

Double sniper will make her life miserable and ive been playing ashe lately and symm is always an easy kill for me.


I was also going to say middle age housewife tho it didn’t have the same kick ya know?


Blizz needs to put the nerf in ASAP. They don’t “test” anything on the PTR. They wait to see if there is outrage. They need to start hotfixing this game.

You’re a few weeks late. Symm was nerfed already on the PTR (sadly). No date for live.

But it’s easier to complain and demand nerfs!


Doom and Pharah counter her really bad but

plz…double snipers make everyone miserable…


She can played with double shield on escort, what are they gonna do? Back away from the payload?
But I do think bastion should also get a nerf in this double shield meta, or at least let Doomfist knock him out of sentry mode with RP

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Its an Indie company give them some slack!

But even more so to symmetra
She doenst have reliable range its like a mouse vs Lion scenario for her.

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If she is this all powerful unstoppable force in every scenario why is OWL not exploiting this Godly OP symmetra?

The enemy cant do nothing right?


She is though, but running Doomfist is easier and less frustrating.
Literally less than an hour ago, BabyBay was shredding through San Francisco Shock with symmetra